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Dinah and I were waiting for Normani in the field.We are here to practice our cheer leading routine about the up coming National Game play.

I was drinking mineral water which Austin had gave me.He's very thoughtful and caring about me.He always say's I have to be in my best condition if I'll be going to dance the whole day.This is our last practice and everyone is so busy and hands on in everything that they have to do.

I saw Austin running towards us.He is handing five mineral bottles which is inside on a plastic red bag.

What I like also about Austin is that whenever I'm with my friends he also give them what he is giving to me.I'm starting to think I slowly having this feeling for him.

That's great right? I am slowly falling for him.I'm so glad that I didn't break up with him at his party last weekend.

"hey...I still have..." He cut me off by kissing me on my cheeck.

"No but' still need another one, dancing isn't easy, you'll need a lot of water so every sweat that goes out on you will be replaced"

See? He is very caring...
I smiled at him and looked at him.We haven't really kissed on the lips since we became a couple ,what he always do is just kiss me on my cheeck which makes him a very gentleman for me,he dont want to push something he knows I'm not comfortable with.
Maybe I should give it a try.Kissing him wont harm me right?

As I slowly step forward to him.I can hear my own hearts beating.It's ao fast! I'm a little nervous here..I haven't kissed anyone in my entire life well except for my family .
Every step I make it makes my heart beat triple times faster than usual.
Can I do this.

I can see his face is somewhat confused on what I was doing.
As I finally got closer I can now hear his own heart beating.He's nervous just like me.
I dont know if I'm doing this right,coz supposedly boys are the one who initiate the kiss right?

We're so close that I can smell his own breath.
Am I ready for this?
I titled my head and put my arms arround his neck.
I can hear Dinah's squels behind me.
But I didn't care less.

Our lips are about to touch..

Is this right?

Can I do this?

Am nervous as hell.

I closed my eyes and lean in closer...

But Austin moved and his forehead hit mine.
I pull back and saw him rubbing the back of his head.
I saw a soccer ball rolling on the ground.
He was probably hit by the ball.

"fuck, " He hissed.

I look to the person Austin was looking at.
And I saw Shawn,but he was walking away so I only saw his back.

"Moment wrecker" I mumbled under my breath and just turn arround and let Austin sit with us on the bench.

After what had happened I think its not right to continue what I was supposed to do.
And he seems just fine with talking with me and Dinah.

When Austin was called by their coach I said good luck to him for his practice.And we also start practicing our dance routine.Finally My other friends arrive with Normani with them.She's late for the practice but knowing Normani she can easily pick up every dance move that we have to do.

I'm feeling so exhausted and sticky because of the sweat all over my body.Finally our final dance practice are done.We perfectly did every routine of our dance.

Austine and I said our goodbyes to the girls.
And headed to Austin car.The school permitted every students that will participate on upcoming National Game play to go home earlier.
So Austin and I decided to watch some movie in my place coz mom and dad told me they dont want me to come over to Austin house when I dont have anyone with me.I understand what their reason, though I know Austin wouldn't do such thing to me.

As mom opens the door for us she let both of us in.Austin and mom says their greetings and we both let mom know that the school permit us to go home earlier so she wouldn't think that we skipped classes.Trust me my mom is very scary and I dont want her to think that Austin is being a bad influence for me.

As I let him in to my room.
I didn't close the door since mom told us not to.I'm a little embarrassed to Austin to be honest coz mom is literally rubbing to our faces that she was thinking of something that..every mothers wouldn't want their daughter to do with their boyfriends.

"I'm sorry about my mom" As soon as I put down my back pack to my table.I told him to sit wherever he's comfortable in I start to play the movie we will watch.

He sat on the mini couch in my room.And because it cant accomodate two people at the same time.I sat down on the floor beside the couch where he sat.
But he stand up and let me sit on the couch.I told him that its fine but knowing him..I'll just do what he say coz I can never win over him.

The movie starts.
As we watched the Fault in our Star He's been so quite and super focused on what we are watching when the movie was done I saw him wipping his tears and because of that I laughed at him.

"dont be such a cry baby awww" I teases him and He stand up and laughed as well.

"I'm not being a cry baby...something just got into my eyes" He said but still laughing .

We both teases each other and laughed like there is no other thing we can do.

I can slowly feel that I am really slowly falling with him.

I wished this could be it.
I wished he is really the one for me.
I looked at him,he is still laughing and he suddenly stop when he caught me staring at him.

Something in the athmosphere is going on.
I'm feeling everything I felt when I was with and when I looked at Shawn lips.

Do I wanna kiss him?

But before I can think of what was happening Austin made a move .I was sitting and he is standing so therefore he is slouching forward and I am just looking at him with my head up.

So are we going to kiss now?

Can my first kiss happen now?

Everything is happening in a very slow motion.

He was inching very slowly and closely to me.

I closed my eyes.....

and I waited for his lips to touched mine....

OH MY !!!!!!!

My vacation is really boring! I' just at home so I think I'll juat write and write until my eyes and fingers hurt! ❤❤❤❤

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