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On an island somewhere....

She hid in the vents waiting for her chance. Screams and cries of the innocent echo throughout the compound.

Thirty seconds until she can act.

"Shut the hell up you brats or I'll give you something to cry about." A man shouted at scared kids in a huge metal cage.

"Yeah, like it would make any difference. The boss wants them to be ship out soon. I wonder if he'll give us a piece of the action with some of the older ones? I don't want some scrawny ass kid." Another man laughed as he slapped the others man's back.

"Shit, this may be easy to babysit a bunch of snot nose brats but it's all the crying that annoys the hell out of me." He said as he looked at the cage in front of him. "I said shut the hell up." He kicked the cage freighting the kids.

She continued to watch in anger but was still unable to act.

A buzz hummed in her ear. She moved her black hair and pressed against the listening device, "Can you hear?.... they started to move. I will get the docks.... get them out of there.....Piper will minutes."

She moved the mic closer to her face and whisper, "Got it." She tapped on her phone and all hell broke loose.

The room rumbled as she put on her half mask "What the hell. What's going on. Sam! Roger! Come in. Damn it." They turn their backs from the vent and she quickly slip out. "Hey, what are you doing here An...." She didn't let him finish as she sliced him with her tessen. The other man began to shoot her, but she was faster than him. She sliced his throat and knees and watched him fall. She flicks of tessen to get the blood off.

She turns towards the cage seeing the children backing fall away from her. Their ages ranged from five to twelve. She knew that she wasn't able to avoid killing the two men in front of them. She walked slowly and carefully as much as time allows her to and kneeled and gently talked to them. "Hey, I'm sorry you have to see that, and I know you're scared. But I promise you that I will never hurt you and I will get you out. You guys must promise me that you'll listen to me and stay quiet as much as you can. There are bad people out there right now."

She stands back up and opened the cage door, motioning them to follow her. They slowly stepped out of the cage dirty and still trembling in fear. She pulled out a whistle and blew in it. No sound emerges from. The whistle but a huge black with some brown fur dog came running towards them. Some of the children gave a small shriek. The dog stopped in front of her. "This is Sebastian. He will lead you out to where you must go after I clear the way. There will be another group of people who will get you out of here. Remember what I said stay quite." She went to the dog and whispered a command into Sebastian's ear, ordering him to lead the children to Piper and to protect them from harm.

She looked at the group of children to see if all of them were still here and her eye was caught by the smallest child that was still in the cage. It was a little girl rocking back and forth at the corner. She goes to the little girl and kneels down to the little girl. "What's your name?"

The little girl looked up hesitated but answered, "Mary. Please, don't hurt me. I'll be good." The girl was near tears.

She knew that this world was never easy for the weak and innocent. They would usually be destroyed quickly. She hugged the little girl Mary. "Shh, it's okay. I know you are a good girl. You will be safe soon. Let's get you out of this cage." She carried the little girl in her arms and walked out of the cage. "Mary, can you help me?" Mary turned her head and looked at her. She gave a slip of paper, "Can you give this to a lady name Piper, please." Mary just nodded her head. "Thank you." She told Mary quietly. She placed the scared little girl onto Sebastian's back.

She stepped out of the room and scan the area. She already took care of the cameras when she blew up parts of the compound. A man came out and spotted her. She sliced him as she did with the others. More men came. Dang it, he must of have warned the others. She took out both guns that were on the sides of her hip and started shooting. She hit each one in between the eye making sure that they were dead.

She gave the signal for Sebastian to go. He herded the children out the room that they were imprisoned in. Most of them obediently followed Sebastian like she asked while others hesitated. She reached for the phone and punched in some more codes. More explosion went off as they ran. When they were in the last room she opened the door that would leave them outside. She watched as the children follow Sebastian. As soon as the last of the children were out of the compound she headed back in.

The people that she was working with, to free the prisoners from the compound, will be angry to know that she wasn't with the children. But, there was something that she has to do. If she didn't the children and them would never be safe. The children and them saw him and knew his face. He would never let anyone catch him. The slip of paper that she gave to Mary would explain what she's doing to them and that they have to go to the safe house without her.

She heads up the stairs to the uppermost part of the compound. Fire began licking the walls from the explosion from the next building. Most of the guards must have already escaped to the docks where the boats are. But she rigged it and the boats to explored when the boats started to leave the docks. Now she has one more thing to deal with.

Sounds of a helicopter landing filled her ears and she reached to the roof. She quickly put a new magazine to both emptied guns. She opened the door.

Claps filled the air, "Well. Well. Well, it seems I was right that you were the one that caused all the problems tonight Angel."

Angel her alias that she uses whenever she had to accomplish a task for her former handler. A name everyone fears. "Peter, you crossed the line when you decided to go into something that even your father wouldn't do."

He laughed as if she told him a joke. "He never had the guts to go into a business venture that can make our group so much money."

"By selling women and child. Human trafficking really. He despised that and drugs."

"Oh, Angel always my father's pet. A very dangerous pet. So many things that you did for him. Maybe you would like to be my woman and live in luxury." He leered at her.

"Never! You disgust me beyond belief. Especially, what you did to Sarah." Her first friend gone forever.

"She was only a toy that I owned, and she lived past of usefulness. Pity, she thought that I was going to stick around. I hate clingy women. Not a challenge at all unlike you. Too bad you wouldn't live long." Guards appeared everywhere with guns pointing at her.

She looked around seeing about eighteen men surrounding her. Only eighteen hmm. She closed and gave a cold smile. "Do you really think you will get out of here alive, Peter."

"I know so." As soon he said that the first gun went off.

As in slow motion, she sees the bullet coming and dodges it. "Big mistake." She said as everyone began to shoot. She shot all of them in the vital organ emptying both of her guns.

As she looked for her intended target Peter was already in the helicopter. "I love to stay and chitchat, but I must be going." The helicopter began to fly away. After a good distance, she took out a small square device and hit the detonation button. The helicopter exploded.

She watched as it fell from the sky and dropped into the thick jungle. The compound was ablaze with no way of her going back the other way. Looks like her only option is to jump. She stepped to the ledge and stared down the cliff that the compound was on. She took a deep breath and leaped off.

The raging waves surrounded her as she hit the water. She swam to the surface.

"Over here!" Someone yelled. When she got there, she cannot believe her eyes. They were still here. "Get on!" A ladder was thrown onto the side of the boat.

She began to climb onto the boat and shouted at the person, "Piper, I told you guys to go on without me."

She heaves herself on board and Piper threw her a towel that they found, "No, not going to happen." She then hugged her not caring if she gets wet. "Thank you, for saving us."

Mary walked near them looking nervous, "Umm, what's your name?"

She looked at her as Piper kept hugging her and pondered for a second then took off her mask. "Just call me, Ann."

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