Chapter 7

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"My mouth is in heaven." Edward praised as he continued to devour another fruit tart.

Mary was sitting next to him giggling. "Yeah, Ann's snacks are always the best. But, we only can have one piece or we won't eat dinner. Isn't that right Ann?"

Ann quietly nodded her head. They were back at the house and sitting in the dining room. Just as she promised she let him join them for snack time but she didn't realize how big of an appetite he had. She went through three extra tarts because of him. He was eating as if there won't be anymore by the next day. Which may happen by the rate he's eating. She shook her head at the thought.

He looked up and looked towards her. "Who did you learn to bake from?"

That caught her by surprise. "Someone taught me once and the rest I learned by myself." She didn't want to add that her one lesson was from a world's famous pastry chef.

"You must have practiced a lot to get this good." He said as he took another bite. "I have tried many bakeries but this can rival even the best of them."

I put on a shy smile as he continued, "You are just being polite that's all. This is just a regular fruit tart that anyone can make."

"Really," he grinned, "Then can I have a recipe because I have someone at home that I can ask to make this." He's horrible at washing dishes but is a mean cook. He is defiantly a killer at that." He then chuckled.

She pondered for a while. "Sure, I can give you the recipe for your friend. Just let your friend know that some of the steps are hard if you don't have any practice."

"That's fine it good to challenge him from time to time. It would probably be a piece of cake for him. Pun intended." He talked while taking the last bite of his tart.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out to see Reggie's name on the screen. "Sorry, I have a phone call. Edwards can you watch over the kids while I take this."

He grinned at me, "Only, if I can take home a whole fruit tart as a bribe. If you have any left. These are so good."

"Thank you." I left to another room as soon as I thanked him. Call me crazy to leave him in a room full of kids but I am never a trusting person especially if it involves with my kids. So, I watched him through the cameras. Reggie was calling me a second time as I answered. "Hey, Reggie."

"Hey, Ann. I just wanted to let you know that we might have a lead with the guys that are investigating you. It's a small private security company that can go into places that no one can. Whether it's a high school or billionaire's company they can get in and out with no problems. They also have a pretty high success rate. I'm sure it's one of the teams that found Alex. You did make sure that they can't trace back to you right?"

"Yeah, I made sure I did. They're currently in the desert someone. If they survive is up to them."

I hear Reggie sighing on the phone, "You know that there's a chance that they'll survive right?"

"Not without a phone and being thousands of miles from the nearest town. Besides, I think not many people will approach a group of guys in their underwear."

There was silence for a while before he spoke again, "That is so evil, but it's better than being dead. You really soften over the last two years."

I closed my eyes trying to imagine that once innocent face that I knew a few years ago, "No, not soften just keeping a promise to someone very important." I'm sorry. I whispered into my head and then turn my attention back to the phone. "Anything else, that I should know?"

"Yeah, there's one more thing that's going on with the company. It seems that they are on protective detail for some sort of fashion show that's a couple of towns away from you."

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