Chapter 3

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I dropped the kids off at school and saw Edward again. He waved to me. I waved back to him.

He jogged towards me. "Hey, Ann. Nice to see you again."

"Likewise," I answered carefully making sure that my tone was nonchalant but still friendly. "I see you are here at the school again."

"Yeah, I thought I can talk to you again." He blushed a bit. It was kind of cute see him blush.

"Oh, why is that." This surprised me greatly. Most people would have ignored me since I never talked to a lot of people.

He blushed even more, "Can you show me around town. I'm still not familiar with the area."

"I don't...I mean I can't... I saying I never had friends...." I was now babbling trying to figure out what to say but was failing quite badly. Curse my lack of social skills.

"Don't worry about it. I guess I can figure out the layout of the town. Nice talking to you again Ann." Edward left before I can say another word.

I mentally groaned to myself. I felt as if I embarrassed the both of us. I turned around and headed back home.

I banged I head on the door as soon as I was inside. I can't believe I did that. I thought to myself. I didn't know what to say to him and kept trying to give him an answer. He probably thinks I'm weird now."

"Ann? Is that you?" I heard Piper calling for me. I walked into the living room to see her with Angelique in her arms. "Hey, Ann. I was going to take this little angel out to the park today since you'll be busy with something today."

I nearly forgot about the three guys that I tied up down below. "Okay, Piper. Do you want me to pack a bag for Angelique?"

"No, I already have one." Piper tells her as she went to put Angelique into the baby carriage a bag was already inside it. Piper strapped her in and turned to me. "Don't go too far, Ann. You now have a chance for a normal life."

I went to hug her. "I'm not really suited for a normal life. Now, you better go now before it's too late to go. Also, can you take Sebastian with you? I'm sure he can use the walk." I hurry her out the door with Angelique. Sebastian went with them as soon as he saw the saw baby. I wan Sebastian to go with them since he can guard them against almost anybody.

I waited when I can no longer see them go to my prisoners. They were talking among themselves. I turned the volume of the hidden microphone on higher.

"We are in trouble now. Nick do you have anything that we can use to get out of these restraints?" The Asian looking guy asks the blonde.

He answered back, "No, the dude got pretty much all of my stuff that I brought."

"Dammit, is there anything we can use or do to get out of these restraints." The biggest one growled as they continued fruitlessly figuring out how to escape.

Not likely buddy. I used plastics zip ties on the three of them. I'm pretty sure that the big guy can probably break the rope I have and the three of them can possibly help each other to untie it if I did use it instead of the plastic zip ties.

"Do you think that the others..." the Asian guy was saying but Nick shushes him.

The big guy looked around the room as if realizing that I was listening in, "Kevin, lower your voice. We can't let anyone else get involved now."

I choose that time to make an appearance. Dressed again in baggy clothing I pulled the hood lower on my face and stepped into the room. "Hello, gentlemen. Do you feel like giving more information now?"

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