Chapter 5

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Do you know the picture? Yes or No?

And from which anime?

Guess it right and I'll update 2 chapters tomorrow 4-4-18
2 chapters for both stories.


*Akashi's POV*

This is comfortable.. Sitting behind the Big Man desk. I am officially the Big Man so. I get to sit behind here. I still have to get to know my concubines meaning...

Talking to them, ugh. Visiting them, double ugh. Throwing parties for them, triple ugh. I really don't a need a concubine that will turn into my wife. Honestly, I could take over the whole universe by myself. But I'm too kind..

What if I don't find an elegant Concubine? Then... I won't need one. Blue eyes appeared in my thoughts. Kuroko Tetsuya.. She is really beautiful, but is she elegant? I don't need any maiden who is elegant and silent.. I got up and went to the kitchen, which took me a long time.

"Atsushi! Could you make some sweets and tell the servants to take it to the concubines?"

"Of course Aka-chin.."

I winked at Atsushi and walked off. The words grandfather Hades told me.
Silence has meaning. Of course it does. I hope there is a quiet concubine and. Blue eyes.. Dammit! I let my thoughts slip again to Kuroko Tetsuya! Why is she so eye-catching?

I stood up in my chair and crossed my arms on my chest, and went into isolation. A time where I am alone. restricted. Mind thinking.

*Kuroko's POV*

Siigghhh... I miss mother and father, I wonder if he came home to mother yet? Is mother cooking? Does she have enough ingredients? Maybe I should gift some of the ingredients here to her...

The breeze swiftly hit against my skin, such a cool breeze.. Playing in the meadow of flowers... OH! What about my demon birds???? Is mother taking care of them?

I shall write a letter to her!


Dear Mother,

How have you been? I'm doing okay, not much to do. I miss having you around. I just sit here in silence... In my concubine house.. I quite wish I could see you. Oh! Do you have enough ingredients in the house? I'm gonna try to send you some.

P.S. don't forget about NIGOU! Make sure to feed him

Love, Tetsuya


There! I kissed the letter then put it in the envelope. I began walking to the mail box. Putting it inside, I also saw a letter to ME. I walked back to the patio in the garden and sat down. I began reading the letter after I opened it.


Kuroko Tetsuya.

You are invited to the Tea Party that is hosted by yours Truly. Your king Akashi Seijiuro. Look your best if you want to stay in, he will be eliminating those who he does not take a liking to.

Signed, Midorima Shintaro


I sighed, I must stay in for mother to get the money. I walked to the little garden I made yesterday, my fabric making plant! I began sketching the dress and jewelries. Digging a hole near the plant, I put the sketch in the hole. That'll do it.

The plant's stem will reach towards it and find every line that I sketched and begin making the perfect fabric for my outfit, it'll pop out of the ground once it is done. I will be making the jewels and dress itself.....

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