Chapter 14

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Lillian POV

"You can do it Michael" I smiled at him whilst he sat on the edge of my bed.

"Me and Calum thought it would cool if we did it at the same time" Michael shrugged. Luke walked in with Bella as they both jumped onto the bed cuddling me.

"Then do it, you like her right?" I asked.

"Of corse I do! it's just hard to ask her, Luke how did you ask Lillian?" I looked at Luke and placed a peck on his cheek as Bella cringed.

Well he never actually asked me out he only asked me for a date, woahh.

"Lillian?" Luke asked, before we could say anymore Bella jumped off the bed.

"I'm going to find Calum" she said skipping out the door, Luke smirked hovering over me as I laughed at him.

"Lillian will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Of corse duh brain" I said, He smashed his lips to mine and he quickly slipped in his tongue in as we had a make out session.

"So like that?" Michael said. Luke pulled away nodding at him and turning back to me, I pushed him off the bed earning a laugh from me and Michael.

"Just like that" I said. Luke playfully glared at me as I got up out of my bed and walked over to Michael. "She does like you" I added.

"Just because my hair is better than yours it doesn't mean you haft to go mad at me for it!" Ashton shouted at Sammy as they came threw the door, they don't really like each other.

"When did I ever go mad at you about your hair?! you stole my Crisps Ash!" she shouted, really? over crisps? "You know I don't share my food!" Sammy added, she's got a point she doesn't.

"Guys, Michael wants to ask Callie out and all your doing us arguing about crisps" Luke said. Everyone stared at Michael in shock but I found it cute that he really liked Callie I know she likes him.

"Wait what?!" Sammy said in excitement. Ashton smirked at him but rolled his eyes at Callie. "Ask her!" She added.

Michael skipped off shouting Callie, I thought it was so cute how he fancied her.

Luke wrapped his arm around me squeezing me tightly and placing a sloppy kiss on my lips making me chuckle, my Lucas.

Callie POV

"Callie?" Michael shouted. my heart skipped a beat as I gulped turning around to meet his green eyes.

"Yea?" I asked. I was probably going red by now I always blushed around Michael.

"I want you to go out with me" He said making me chuckle "I mean urm will you date me?" He added "wait no I mean yes urm, will you be my girlfriend?" he cheekily smiled.

"Yes" I said slightly laughing at his goofiness.

He squealed and ran off as I followed him, I swear this boy is crazy.

Calum POV

"You want an icecream? Alixis?" I asked, she nodded whilst I pulled my wallet out, she's so hot.

"Ill pay" She said bumping me to the side with her hip, I picked her up and put her onto a chair whilst I quickly ran over and payed for 2 vanilla icecreams.

I handed one to her as she glared at me as I sat down facing her and winked.

"I should have payed for that!" she sighed. its even cute when she gets in a mood, come on Calum man up.

"When I'm with you I pay" I said. she shook her head and stood up walking off as I followed her down the street.

"But thanks for the icecream though" She said eating it. I smirked pushing the ice cream in her face as she gasped.

I pined her up against the brick wall and kissed the ice cream of her face as she chuckled.

I stopped and looked her in the eyes dropping my ice cream to the floor grabbing ahold of her hands.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked, she smiled and nodded. I squealed and planted my lips to hers.

I finally got the girl.



I updated and I tried to include everyone's role! I hope you enjoyed it!

Ill be updating as soon as I can please check out my other books to and I will be posting a new story a Luke Hemmings fanfic called Harmless check it out :D

Lava chu all

~ Da Mofo 🙈✌💕

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