The Downs Always Lead to Ups

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It's now been a year since we started dating. All four of the other Literature Club members graduated, and while I still keep in touch with all of them, I'm mainly focused on Natsuki, for obvious reasons.

That being said, I couldn't have expected what happened on that one day to happen.

Natsuki texted me in a very unusual way. Usually she texts in a very "kawaii" way, with "~.~"'s and "owo"'s and such. But that day, she sent me a very head-on text, with none of that cutesie bullshit.

Natsuki: We need to talk. There's some good news I want to tell you, but I have to get through some explaining first.

I'm mildly concerned, but I go along with it.

Anon: Go on, I'm all ears.

This next string of texts changed both of our futures for the better. I couldn't have asked for a more favorable outcome...

Natsuki: As you may or may not have put together by now, my dad has been abusing me for years. It had always been in the form of verbal abuse, and starvation. The starvation part was always my main concern, as my body image became lesser. My lack of confidence came from his tones.

Natsuki: However, as of recent months, it escalated to physical abuse. Not sexual abuse, but still physical. Punches. Kicks. Whips of a belt, even. It was becoming unbearable, given how frail my body was already. I always hid the bruises and scars, because I didn't want anyone else to butt in on the situation.

Natsuki: I took it into my own hands. I had a plan. It was a simple plan in both concept and execution: I'd get him so mad at me that he'd draw blood, and then immediately call the police, or file a lawsuit, or something. I was 18 when I came up with the plan, so a lawsuit wouldn't have been too outlandish.

Natsuki: The plan worked flawlessly. My dad was arrested. He's being sent to jail for as many years as I was abused, as those are his corresponding charges.

I'm ecstatic to hear that her asshole of a father was put where he belongs, but I'm not sure where she's going with this, or why she's telling me. Nonetheless, I still see her typing, so I keep listening.

Natsuki: When all was said and done, the police gave me a choice. They said I could either stay at my home, and take custody over the property, or I could move in with someone else, and put the property for sale.

Natsuki: I pondered it for a while, and I realized... After everything that's happened, I don't want to be alone. Not after I've felt alone for so many years.

Natsuki: I want to live with you, Anon. You've been so supportive of me, so kind to me; I want to be with you, forever and always. I can sell off the property and start working part-time to carry my weight. You've already told me that your parents are overseas, so that's not a problem. So... can I stay at your place?

It doesn't even take me a moment to answer.

Anon: Of course you can, Natsuki.


The move in was comfortable for the both of us. We had been dating so long that we were both perfectly okay with each other's near-permanent presence.

We have had a lot more time to bond since we started to live together. A lot more reading time, some playful pillow fights; Natsuki even started giving me baking lessons!

All was well, and our relationship was hitting new heights.

A Different Kind of Lesson (Natsuki x Male Reader, NSFW) Where stories live. Discover now