Chapter 1

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Elizabeth RedFox was simple. Every morning she would get up early and brush her teeth. She also liked two spoonfuls of honey in her tea which she drank every morning. She prefered her mornings quiet. As of right now... she wasn't liking her
morning. James, her nine year old brother, was having a fit over getting up early for a doctor's appointment. Her brother had an irrational fear of nurses. Something about needles and those blood pressure things that go on your arm.

"Mom" Elizabeth screamed. Her fingers tightened around the mug of tea until her knuckles turned white. The chance of breaking the glass was dangerously high," make James shut up!"

He seriously needs to grow up, she thought, it's not like he's going to die.

"Liz! Shut up! You are making this hard enough then it already is!" Her mother yelled back. She was a small woman but when she got angry... you could say she 'hulked' out.

"Please stop calling me Liz! And, It's than not then, mother!" Elizabeth rolled her eyes. She was tired and her tea was cold. She set the mug down, got up from the stool, and made the march back to her room past her brother's room. Her mother was standing, her fists balled, arms straight , and her shoulders were tense. Elizabeth felt a sudden relief once she realized she made it past safely. Until, she felt an inhumanly strength grab her elbow and pulled her back into danger. Her mother, might have been the inspiration behind the Incredible Hulk but a lot less green... and significantly smaller.

"Elizabeth Ann RedFox," her mother was inches from her face and for a small moment Elizabeth feared for her life,"why are you not ready yet?"

She let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding. Elizabeth bowed her head lowly. "Sorry Mom. I'll go get ready right away!"
Nodding slowly, her mother released her from her hold. "Be quick or you'll have to walk to school."

Elizabeth wanted to protest. She wanted to be difficult but instead, she obeyed. Dejectedly, she picked out a black t-shirt, faded jeans, and she sported it with a leather jacket. Quickly, she grabbed her violin and her green music folder. She wasn't worried about her hair. It was too curly to function and red as a fire truck. She got it from her great grandmother who she never really got to meet.

"You have ten minutes, Elizabeth!" Her mother's voice warned her from down the stairs. Hurridly, Elizabeth ran down the steps, into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast her brother was making. She shoved it into her mouth and put her feet into her favorite set of boots.

"Come on Liz," her brother cried out, " I was going to eat that! Mom Liz took my food!"

 "Liz you know better than to take your brother's food." Her mother ruffled James's brown mob and gave Elizabeth a warning look.

"Oh, come on! What about every time I make food? Before, I can even have a little piece the twirb grabs it and devours it whole." Elizabeth argued. She sent her brother a pointed look. James replied with his tongue stuck out and his nose scrunched.

"Elizabeth! You know very well how picky you brother is! If he wishes to eat all the damn bread in the house he very well can." Her mother's glare intensified. Elizabeth's shoulders dropped and she took a step back.

Whatever, she thought, I can't wait until he gets fat off of the carb in take.

"Now that is settled, James you need to get in the car or we will miss your doctor's appointment. Oh, and Liz, I am assuming that you are catching a ride from Dee Dee." Her mother rolled her eyes as Elizabeth's friend's name rolled off her tongue. Elizabeth ignored her mother and with a wave goodbye she ran out the door to meet her friend.

There is always three things Elizabeth can count on. No matter what. One was the fact, at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning, her best friend, Dee Dee would pull in to the curb in her small Saturn SL.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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