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"Y-you?" I muttered frozen in place, my eyes wide, and my whole body cold. If I didn't convince myself that it was all over and I was only dreaming it, I think I would have faced the situation better without looking frightened. But I failed at that and the killer clown cackled at me.

I sneered at him realizing that he was making a fool out of me because he hid pretty well earlier, "Jokes over. What are you doing here?"

"Oh!" the clown made an O with his mouth then pouted as if he was offended, "What if I tell ya...that none of this is a joke?"

It really isn't a joke. It's real. He's here in front of kill me? Why is he here anyway? A stalker?

"What do you want from me?"

His mouth rested, but it still looked as if he was grimacing at me. I shrugged, impatiently waiting for him to answer me.

"Why, you." He uttered in such a slow, deep tone. Of all things, my eyes glanced at the crazy clown's mouth. I stood close enough to eye the drool at the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah, no shit." I mumbled, glancing back to look him in the eye. Quickly, my mind hovered over all the possibilities on how this clown will react along with my actions: if I run to the phone, I'll get killed. If I run for the door, he'll grab me then kill me. I'm pretty much stuck here.

I noticed the clown stepped closer, slowly lifting his leg and taking a step, I realized something important. Something I noticed in all the horror and thriller movies I've seen when the actor gets stuck in front of a threat: they all freak out which also freaks the killer out.

The tall clown took another step. Is he going to kill me?

Okay, play it cool. That's what you're going to do, Alice. Play it cool.

And with confidence, I sighed and nonchalantly walked to my right, away from the clown. I felt him stop completely, "Huh?" he uttered faintly but loud enough for me to hear in silence.

I kept walking and headed for the fridge and muttered, "If you need me, I'll be in the ki-"

But the clown quickly made his way in front of me, his eyes fire. It was as if there were flames in his eyes. It was so bright, I couldn't help but to look back into them, almost feeling some sort of sensation inside me building up.

"You like the play, don't ya?"

And naturally, I defended myself with enough sass. I didn't have time for riddles. I needed a straight answer. Even stalkers from movies tell what they want directly and aren't as vague as this killer-or psycho clown-or whatever. I tried hard not to roll my eyes, "You just said you didn't like jokes."

"When did I ever?" he argued with a playful tone, but I could tell it was supposed to mock me.

"Seconds ago before you came here and spat on my face." That's right, sass it out but stay chill, Alice. This psycho won't think you're afraid.

I have to admit. I was a little scared, but only because I didn't know what he was going to do to me. But at the same time...if I think about it...this crazy stranger is here, telling me he wants me.

Is he here to kill me?

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked without fear, almost as if it was casual for me to ask this question to people. I suddenly noticed that the clown's mouth were slightly parted, his drool almost pouring out. I kept my cool. I told myself that there really wasn't anything to be scared.

"Why don't you guess?"

But wait. If he was here to kill me, he already would have. What is he gonna kill me with anyway, his fluffy neckpiece? His soft, gloved hand? I tried hard not to laugh at that. "So we're gonna a play now, huh." I looked away and tried to walk away as well, but the clown grabbed my arm tightly. I groaned and glanced from my arm to his eyes. They were still gleaming. This time, he was not amused.

He's not gonna kill me. He's here to scare me. But why?

I tried to stand up to myself. I really need to know what he wants. Was he sent here? Is this some sort of long-time prank? A tv show?

Slowly, I leaned closer, without fear, "What do you want?"

His mouth quickly turned into a grin, showing his two buck teeth, and drooling excessively, "Play along, will you? And ssstop moving around. Or I just might devour you whole, regardless of the desire you keep teasing me with." He paused, and so did I. My mind went crazy. I didn't know what to think.

His anger surprised me, and the pain in my arm had me silent.

The drool coming out of his mouth made me grimace. I looked up at him.

"Desire?" my eyebrows furrowed, "The hell are you talking about?"

The clown licked his drool out of his mouth. Then, he leaned closer, and slowly, he deeply inhaled in front of me with his eyes closed. And when he opened them, they were gleaming gold.

Holy shit, I cussed in my head. I couldn't say anything. Realizing that my situation was not a prank, instead of feeling scared, the blood in my veins rushed through. It was hyping me up. It gave me the strength finally open my mouth. I was excited.

The clown still held me in place. My heart beat so loud and honestly, I thought he could hear it because he glanced at my chest then looked me in the eyes. He grinned at me.

"What are you?" It just went out of my mouth.

The clown reached its other hand to my face and rested his gloved fingers on my chin, "Your playmate."

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