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He uttered the words and I kept still, staring into his gleaming eyes. I'm stuck in front of some magical psycho clown and I just might die. I don't know what game he's playing-if he's going to kill me-but I need to think of a way to avoid it as I play along before he does.

But how, Alice? Jesus, what have you gotten yourself into?

I have never felt so confused my whole life. I am so confused to a point where I'm willing to play the game just to find out what this guy's problem is or what he wants from me.

Honestly, if psycho clown pranks weren't a trend, I would not have handled this better. In fact...I feel excited to play along.

Been living a static life in highschool and now I'm off to community college. And this is the first thing that happens. How interesting could this be? My consciousness shouts at me somewhere in the back of my head saying how crazy I am but I guess I'm not as crazy if I'm doing it for a purpose? Right?

Oh, God I'm talking to myself again, I thought and immediately snapped back into reality.

"What game are you playing exactly?" I said calmly and the clown smirked.

"You smell very sweet, Alice." He muttered,

"Okay, not the answer I was looking for but thanks."

"You're so sweet I could eat you up!" He said, but this time his pupils dilated widely that I noticed it. It sent shivers down my body. There's definitely something crazy magical going on.

I gulped at his remark.

"But if I do..." he continued, "...I would quickly lose something incredibly tantalizing." He slurps the drool into his mouth again, making me gulp. "So why don't you be a very good girl and behave."

"So you're really going to kill me?" I cut the tension between us by asking with a casual tone, impatient with this little drama. "I mean, I'm just clearing things up cos to be honest, dude, you say a lot of shit."

The clown closes his mouth and tilts his head, glaring at me, still grasping my arm. He grips it tighter, making me stop talking.

"-Okay, okay, okay." I tried to calm him down.

The clown pulls my chin up, making me glance up into him. I look into his eyes again and they're gleaming.

"You're not afraid, aren't ya, kid?" he cackles,

I did not say anything. I didn't want him to end up cracking my arm.

The clown repeated, "You're not afraid of old pennywise?" the clown playfully asked, saying it in such a teasing tone. It bothered me; the way this psycho looked, the way he held me, the way he looked into my eyes and drooled at the sight of me, and everything else.

That bizarre situation finally had me silent. I just looked into his eyes when I felt something different in me, something physically alluring. Then, the clown did not say anything anymore but he removed his hand from my chin and traced his index finger down to my neck and stopped at my chest.

He tapped it lightly twice then looked into my eyes, "You're very nervous. And quiet. What's the matter, deary?"

"You're grasping me tightly. I didn't want to speak cos obviously you don't like me expressing myself." I mumbled and he smirked at me. He paused, then in such a fast pace, he swiftly pushed me against the living room wall. Luckily, it did not hurt my back as much as I was focused on the relief I felt when he removed his grasp on my arm. He released me but his distance was overly closer to my body.

The psycho clown almost pressed himself close to me. He raised his hand in front of me, and slowly, the clown rested the back of his hand against my cheek and caressed me. I closed my eyes as an automatic reaction.

I had no clue what was to happen next. I was nervous. My heart beat louder.

He gently dragged his hand lower to my chest, but this time, he used only his two fingers. It was as if he was feeling the beat of my heart. It made him smirk. Yes, I stared at his face and reaction the whole time he caressed me. I realized I opened my eyes and watched him. I did not want to close my eyes.

For some reason, I wanted to watch the psycho's reaction in every touch he did.

He slowly caressed my shoulder blades. I shivered slightly and the corner of the clown's mouth twitched.

I watched him watch me.

I felt alive.

I felt excited.

I felt pleasure.

The clown traced his two fingers down my chest, made its way in the middle of my breasts so slowly. I kept my eyes on him and saw him drool lightly on his lips. Then, I felt his fingers stop at my belly before he took his hand away and rested them on top of my chest again. I realized I was not breathing, so I exhaled calmly.

The clown's gleaming eyes were still focused on my body. I saw him drool like a hungry child.

His fingers began to move downwards again, but this time, he slowly slid them down my breast. Finally, he was touching my nipple. He paused and slowly rested his whole palm on my breast as he squirmed lowly. I felt myself clench and pulsate.

He began to rub it gently but tightly.

That was my first time. I never had a boy grope me or touch me in any way. A boy tried to kiss me but I refused. Boys would always look at me and I knew they liked me. But it was far from the way this psycho looked at me.

Boys in my school respected me because of my parent's reputation. They saw me as someone to be respected. A lady.

But this psycho clown, this crazy man named Pennywise is here looking at me with such anger and...pleasure. He's literally drooling for my body. Then I realized that maybe this is what he wanted.

And I think...I think I want it to.

But then, he stopped and took his hand away and I quickly shouted, "No!"

Our eyes locked. His glowing eyes were brighter and more golden. He sounded like he was growling lowly.

I gulped, "Don't stop." I whispered. My hand reached for his and I rested it on top of me. The clown purred. He purred! And he smirked at me.

And all I remember is that I realized I was biting my lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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