princess-like prompt

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(This prompt came to me when I was sitting at a nice dinner, and it could be the beginning of the story.)

The young lady was sitting quietly on a bench to the side.She did not not want to draw attention to herself. She nodded to everyone who passed by her and exchanged greetings. She had come with her sister, who was on the dance floor, getting a new partner every dance. This did not seem to phase the young lady, It only reminded her of her loneliness. She silently wished for someone to talk to, but knew it would not happen. She strictly told to be a wallflower and let her sister have the spotlight. She was threatened with no visits to the village if she made any movement onto the dance floor. And that she would get beaten if she spoke with anyone. So here she was, quietly sitting and watching the fun pass by with sadness in her eyes.

    Suddenly, a tap on her shoulder brought her out of her gloomy thoughts. She whipped her head around, causing her light blond locks to go into the tapper’s face.

    “What beautiful hair you have Miss, but would you be so kind as to get it out of my face?” A deepish voice with amusement laced into it spoke.

    The lady slowly turns her head to see a young man smiling with her hair stuck to his face. The lady quickly gets her hair off of him. “I am sorry about that.” SHe lowers her eyes in embarrassment and shame.

    The young man laughs. “I forgive you,” he sobers up a little. “If you answer a question.”

    The young lady raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms. “And why should forgiveness have a price?”

    The man was dumbfounded. He opened his mouth to say something, only to have the lady beat him to it.

    “I swear, some people nowadays! They think forgiveness is a tangible thing that you can buy or sell! Forgiveness isn’t like that, it is not something you can buy, it is given, like a present. Many people do not understand that nowadays.” She then notices that she is ranting. “Oh! I ‘am so sorry! I did not mean to fill your ear with my unladylike rant on forgiveness.” She bows her head again and looks back at the dance floor, which reminded her that she was a wallflower and that she was alone. She then went quiet and ignored the stranger.

    The young man instantly caught on that something was up, for he had noticed that this beautiful young lady did not socialize at the event. He had noticed her her when he was announced with his family, but he could not get away from the many ladies that kept surrounding him. Finally when he was able to come and talk to her, she had given him a lecture on forgiveness,but then changed back into the quiet wallflower that she had been all the party. He guessed something had to do with her family was the reason she was alone. He wanted to comfort her, but he couldn’t think of a way. If he sat next to her it would be awkward and both of them and she would probably get punished. All he could think of was talking to her. Her voice was like a bird in a cage, wanting to get free.

    The young man quietly stood against the wall next to the bench. He cleared his throat, and the lady glanced back at him. Upon seeing him look at the dance floor she raised an eyebrow before rolling her eyes and turning away. The young man cleared his throat again, “Excuse me, but you never agreed to answer my question.”

    The lady shrugged her shoulders, knowing that if she turned now, upon seeing her mother look, she would get in trouble. Instead she spoke without turning. “I agree to answer, but let it not be the price for forgiveness, let it be a question.”

    “Alright, it is a question. Would you give me the honors of having a dance with me?”

    The lady shook her head. “I am sorry, I am not allowed to be on the dance floor.”

    The young man thought for a moment. “What if you come and dance outside, in the gardens?”

    “I am told to stay here and be a wallflower, or else I am unable to visit...” She fades off and shuts up. There was hint of sadness in her voice, but also defiance, like she was defending a friend.

    Her voice is so refreshing. It is like the morning dew of leaves, but it is also husty of a sort, like the morning crisp air in winter. She needs to open up more! “Has anyone told you that you have a beautiful voice? It just seems odd to have a beautiful lady sit here quietly while the rest are enjoying themselves. And she does seem like she wants to go and join the others, but is forbidden.” The words slipped out of the young man’s mouth before he could hold it back. “I-I am s-sorry. That was unexpected of me.”

    The lady froze. Who is this stranger to have both angered her, but then complemented her. And in the most unexpected way! She was also surprised to see how she openly told why she was unable to dance. “It is quite alright, I am just a bit shaken, for no one has ever given me a compliment like that to me before.”

This is simply a beginning. It has no plot but can go many ways

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