Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

The rays of dawn peaked through the clouds as light filtered into the room through sparse curtains that left much to be desired for. Evan, as a noble, resided in a towering mansion on expansive lands. He room was filled luxurious goods, and possessed thick curtains to keep the morning light at bay. A sudden transition to the small shack that he was currently sleeping in. The morning light hit Evan's face at full force and forced his consciousness to arouse from slumber. Sleepily, he rubbed his eyes to get a better picture of his situation. He could feel the thrumming regret hammering his head as he winced. Looking to his left, he saw a slumbering figure covered in blankets. Anxiety and panic set in as he lifted up the sheet to make sure he was fully clothed in the same clothes as yesterday. The familiar sight of a sweat stained white shirt and training pants greeted him. Sighing his relief, he turned to raise the covers on his slumbering companion's head. Slowly withdrawing the blanket, the anxiety in his heart was washed away when the identity of his sleeping companion was revealed.

Closed eyes peeked between delicate gold strands as gentle breaths of air made his chest rise and drop. Gulping, Evan raise a hand to touch the soft cheeks as if the softness beneath his fingers was a figment of his wild imagination. He could feel his breath panting slightly as they moved down his shirt towards his chest. Fingers spread open across the chest between Carl's nipples, he rested his head on Carl's chest to hear the comforting sound of a strong heartbeat. From his vantage point, he looked up to observe Carl's face with passion-imbued eyes. The wandering pupils eventually landed on the red lips gently opening and closing with every breath. A mischievous smile spreading across his face, Evan slithered up from the comforting, warm heartbeat until he reached Carl's plump, kissable lips. Disregarding social norms, practices and even his dignity as a knight in training, he leaned down and placed a soft peck on Carl's lips. He found the lips to be soft with a pervading taste of day old alcohol, but even then, he wanted more. He lowered his face to commit more than a simple peck. Again, he kissed; however, he pressed his lips over Carl's for a longer period of time. Withdrawing, Evan felt slightly dissatisfied. There was something underwhelming about the kiss that he couldn't identify. He'd never kissed anyone before, and Carl was the first people he'd felt the need to release his desires on, so his knowledge of kissing was close to none. Pondering for a moment, he experimented with the concept of kissing and analysed methods to improve the kissing experience. He parted the lips slightly more which he found slightly awkward, and even clashed teeth by accident. In a last ditch effort, Evan inserted his tongue to invade an unconscious person's mouth. The soft texture of his partner's tongue was addicting. Although said tongue was close to dead weight as the person himself was unconscious, Evan still managed to engage with the still appendage enough for there to be physical response to his desire. Apparently, he was not the only one with oppressed desire he noted as he happily watched Carl's semi-hard erection.

Unsatisfied with the building need for release, Evan eyed Carl's erection with interest. Not wanting to wake Carl up, Evan moved his body carefully as he thought of a fun idea. Evan positioned himself above the unconscious Carl extremely softly as he lowered his lower half to meet Carl's. The two touching appendages rubbed slightly causing the flagpoles to proudly stand to attention as they anticipated the comfort that was to come.

Slowly, Evan rubbed his erection on Carl's. The friction caused by the obstructive fabric instantly had Evan leaking pre-cum. Years of mastered abstinence caused the pair's sensitivity levels to reach extraordinary heights. Eager for the feeling of pleasure, Evan rubbed himself on Carl again as he released a hoarse low moan. He didn't stop to savour the feeling of pleasure, and instead continued rubbing their erections together. Low groans and erotic moans of a sole individual echoed around the wooden cabin. Carl's member had also begun to leak pre-cum from the tip of the tented organ. Feeling himself nearing the peak of his pleasure, Evan was reluctant to let the opportunity of touching Carl go. He lowered his right hand to the two members rubbing together, and began to pump around both organs. Despite the quiet moans Evan was issuing, and the suspicious creaking sounds of the bed, Carl continued to slumber on despite his manhood being toyed with.

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