Chapter 1

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Though the vampire girl known as Sarafina had a job, it wasn't one she necessarily enjoyed. It got the rent paid, and that was that. As she slipped through the streets, avoiding contact with the rising light. Moving on into the park, she was sure that she would be there before noon: there was no way she could be late again- Doctor Fong would kill her. 

By the time she reached the abusement park, there was little time left. Entering the specific area for workers, she set her satchel inside the chest with her name on the plaque above it. Reaching to the bottom of the chest, she picked one of the small vials up and drank it. Squeezing her eyes shut at the burning pain behind her irises, Sarafina waited a few moments before reopening her eyes and looking at the green orbs staring back at her in the mirror. Magic was great.

She approached Doctor Fong, a man who originated from somewhere in the East. He was taller than her (then again, so was everyone), and well built with dark, slanted eyes. Next to Sarafina was Jonathan, who smiled at her upon meeting her gaze. Though, she would always be convinced he was a vampire. He smelled like one, and was usually stiff at the sight of the Kades.

The Kades were vampire hunters to put it in the simplest terms. They practically ran the city, and founded the Crimson Guard: the mission being to stop at nothing to purge the city of vampires. Five siblings in all, four brothers and a sister, were all equally ruthless. The brothers took after their mother, with dark hair and light eyes while their sister followed their father with blonde hair and dark eyes.

Doctor Fong began to read the list of assigned positions for the day. Jonathan was placed in the "Drown the Clown" tank, while Sarafina found she would be going in the maiar exhibit. She could stay underwater for long periods of time, and that made the job easier. As she traveled through the tunnels that ran underneath the park, she stopped at the door up to the maiar tank. There was a long pause and a sigh from her as she changed into the lightweight dress that was most likely too short to wear around normally.

Upon slipping into the water, she discovered that it was slightly warm compared to her own body temperature. In the cool cave that was mostly sheltering the entire pool, though clouds covered the sky that day. It made things easier and she didn't risk her skin burning. She swam around for most of the time, otherwise staying in the bottom of the pool. With no need to breathe, there was no real risk.

With her day passing rather uneventfully, Sarafina slipped from the chamber before the sun could set to change into her more comfortable clothes. She walked barefooted, carrying her boots and picking up the jar that held tips once the sun was hidden from sight. Giving it a shuffle, she found about thirty or so regals inside.

Regals were the currency: most commonly seen as coins versus printed papyrus.

"You've done well today," Doctor Fong mused from behind her. He gently set his hand on her shoulder, smiling at her. "Keep up the good work."

She gave him a polite smile and a nod as she returned to her chest to get everything into her satchel. Tying her hair up to get it off her back, the water gently dripped down her back every now and then before she went to get herself changed. It was quick, and when she left the clothes out to dry, she picked up her bag and waved goodbye before leaving.

The darkness was comforting as she made the walk from the park towards the sewers. The magic that hid her eye color was slowly fading, almost making it appear as though her irises were bleeding. Cool breezes waved past her from the ocean that lay only a couple hundred paces to the west. The smell of salt was appealing, though Sarafina knew full well that she'd have to go hunting again either that night or the next. She was running out of blood in the vials, and drinking from her own arm could only sustain her for so long.

Slipping into the sewers and getting to her home relatively quickly, she lit a new fire to help warm up and dry off what wasn't already. Going to search through her cabinets for any drop in a vial of blood, she found one and sighed to herself. She didn't have enough money to buy more with her rent being due so soon, so it seemed hunting would have to do. Taking the top off the vial and downing it like a shot of alcohol, Sarafina put the empty glass in a box by her door with a small sigh. 

It would be enough to get her through tomorrow, when she'd be paying her rent and picking up a new book. After that, she'd be able to go hunting. 

Extinguishing the fire quickly to help her with the fact she was growing so parched so quickly, Sarafina went up to her bed to at least rest and stop her body from processing the blood in such a rush.

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