Chapter 14

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Everything slows down as you take in the insults.

"What are they wearing?"

"Where are their parents?"

"Why are they so dirty, Papa?"

"Stay away from them, they are bad news!"

"Wow, that's embarrassing. They have hay and dirt all over them."

"Her hair is a mess! If I had hair like that, I would kill myself!"

"Yah, same here!"

Anger rolls off of you in waves. "Kauo, lets go." You reach for him. Kauo looks up at you with a broken heart. His cheeks were stained with tears and clear snot streamed out of his nose.

You take off your coat and put it on the crying child, biting back the tears. Then you stripped your gloves and dressed his hands.

The group surrounding you took a step back when you picked up Kauo. He started to cry into your neck. You ran out, choosing random streets. You hid in an ally that also served as a wind block. Kauo had stopped crying by the time had settled down.

"Are you okay?" Your voice cracks with emotion. He just shook his head. Your throat painfully throbbed. Tears slid down your (s/c) cheeks.

"Cry." Kauo whispered. You frown in confusion.

"What?" You croak out quietly, shivering in the cold. He nods.

"Cry. You need to." Kauo repeats. The little boy wraps his arms around neck, forming an embrace. The moment he does that, you break.

Mako POV

We had looked all over the city. We even asked the Triple Triads on where her location might be, no luck. "Hey, Mako. Isn't that Councilman Tenzin?" Bolin gasps.

"He looks like he is in a rush, don't bother him." I bit out, trying to look for (Y/N). Bolin starts to follow. "Bolin! What did I say?" I shout after him, frustrated. My ears started to tune in the sounds surrounding me. Sirens. Shouting. What is happening?

I chase after Bolin, a store is closed off. Two people dressed in fancy green clothing are screaming at an officer. "What's happening?" I hear Bolin ask a bystander as I take in the scene before me. The window and the door was broken, glass jutted out everywhere. It looked like it's been through war. I couldn't breath. Wasn't there a child living in there? What happened to him? Was it a kidnapping? A robbery? Both?

The response of the bystander send chills down my spine. "I heard some thugs tried robbing the place, a fire and an earthbender, I think. Anyways, a woman came in and stopped them. But then she takes the child and stole a ride from the last ship that headed out."

"How do you know this?" I suddenly turned towards the pair. The old lady gasped at my aggression.

"Because I saw it happen with my eyes." She frowns and walks towards an officer. I apologized hurriedly and swiveled to Bolin.

"We need to find out where the last ship sailed to!" I exclaimed excitedly. Bolin nods while holding his chin.

"HEY! WHERE DID THE LAST SHIP SAILED TO LAST NIGHT!?" Bolin screeches at the top of his lungs. The crowd turns to him in shock. Bolin turns pink and I slap my forehead with my hand in disbelief.

"It went to the South Pole for trading." The same lady from earlier shouted with amusement. I notice the skilled Airbender walk our way.

"Do you know (Y/N)?" He voice was thick with concern. Why is he asking this? Does he know her?

"Yes! And we are absolutely worried for her! I can't sit around and do nothing! Please! Take us with you on your sky bison and save her!" Bolin cried out and dropped to his knees and bowed. Tenzin and I looked at Bolin with a weirded out look.

"I don't think you are stable to accompany me. And as much as I want to find her myself. I have to stay here and sort this out."


You have been crying for several hours. Your skin is red and it is hard to move your fingers and toes. The sun has set and the little heat that it gave was gone. You shiver, the wind has shifted and was directly blowing into your face.

Kauo was sleeping. I hope he is warm. I should've made a block so it's not so cold. But now I'm too cold to move. Kauo is probably going to be in worse condition than he was living with his parents. I can barely take care of my self, now I have to take care of him too. I failed. We are going to die. You would've cried again but you emptied your tear ducts hours ago.

You try to get warmer by thinking warm thoughts and breathing deeply. You were tired and sitting in the snow for hours did not help. "Kauo?" You whisper, shaking the child lightly. "Kauo, wake up we need to find somewhere safe to sleep.

"(Y/N), I'm cold." He tiredly says, holding up up his hands. The gloves were big so they didn't any good for him. His fingers were blue and his nose was red. He slides off of your lap and you struggle to get up. "Where are we going to go? No one likes us!" He cries.

You feel your heart break into a thousand of pieces. "I don't know." You sigh, defeated.

"Maybe I can help." A tenor voice of a boy your age calls out.

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