~ karaoke night ~

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Katie: hey guys what's up

Toby: the lights

Niki: what's down

Toby: the floor

Kira: what's behind you

Toby: the slenderp :3

slendy: I'm going to forget you said that

Ben: *plays video games* hey Katie come over here for a sec.

Katie: um ok

Ben: to make up our first date how about we go somewhere you want to go to

Katie: I know all of us can go to the new karaoke bar across town

Ben: I said for the two of us but I guess everyone else can come

Niki: oh Hellz nah I don't want to sing in front of you guys it's embarrassing

Kira: * hugs dark link* don't worry it would be fun right dark

dark: yup

ask Niki and the creepypastas :)Where stories live. Discover now