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The blue sky cover with the white cloud. Jihoon walked to the school while holding Guanlin's hand. "Ehehe... It's a nice day huh?" Jihoon said while looking up to the sky. Guanlin looked at Jihoon happily. "It sure is..."

Ring... Ring...

A phone rang from Guanlin's pocket. "Sorry." He picked up the phone and he is quite surprised when he saw the name of the person who called him.

"喂?" (hello?)

Jihoon quite surprised by the language. "Is... Is that... Chinese?!" Jihoon stared at Guanlin.

"你们想来这里?现在呢?" (You guys wanna come here? Now?) Guanlin said in a surprised look. While Jihoon confused by the language.

"我还有学校!哪里能够回去!" (I still have school! There's no way I go back!) "Uhh... Guanlin...?"

"无论如何,如果你想见我,那将是傍晚!我稍后给你地址!" (Anyway, if you want to see me, it will be evening! I will give you the address later!" Guanlin yelled to the phone. "明白吗?!" (you understand?!) And then he hung up the phone with full of frustration. "Hahh..." He gave a big sigh. "Guan? You okay?" Jihoon asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said. "But your face telling me that you're not okay." Guanlin crack a smile as he rubbed Jihoon's hair. "It's a not a big deal... Don't worry..."

"You're hurting me!" Jihoon slapped Guanlin's hand away from his head. "Mian, mian..." Guanlin laughed. "I didn't know you can speak Chinese Guan." Jihoon still amazed by Guanlin that can say 3 language. Korea, English, and Chinese. "That's because my hometown is at Taipei." Jihoon even amazed. He want to go there someday. Of course with Guanlin.

"Oh yeah! After school, can I come to your place? I wanna play the new game you said to me." Jihoon asked. "Uh... Maybe next time. My room is still messy." Guanlin said nervously. "Oh? Then I will help you clean them up." "No need. I can... Do it by myself." Guanlin looked away.

"Hmm?" Jihoon could tell that there is something in Guanlin's mind. And he can tell the one who is calling him is his family.

"Guanlin, don't tell me... Your parents are going to come visit your place?"

The question makes Guanlin jolted. He looked at his beloved with a surprised look. "How did you..." "Eh? I'm right 'bout it? I was just guessing. So does that mean the one who call you is your parents right?" Jihoon said in an innocent look. Guanlin looked at the cute face Jihoon made and then he sighed. "Yes. It is my parents. They say they want to see me cause it has been a while like... 3 years I think."

"Wow. You must be miss them very much." Jihoon said. "Not really. Cause when I was at Taipei, the only thing they would do is work. I've never spent my time with them." Guanlin said with a little sad look. "Guanlin..."

Guanlin's family runs a big factory in Taipei. His father is the CEO. And he raised Guanlin to be smarter and work harder to be the next CEO. Even though Guanlin doesn't want to be the CEO, but for the family, what else can he do?

"Okay, then I'll play games with you next time." Jihoon said. "Sorry about this..." Jihoon could only giggle. "No worry. You should hang out with your parents more often. .... Before they're not around anymore." He mumbled at the last sentence. But of course Guanlin heard it. He had a sharps ears.


"But before we go home, buy me an ice cream! Cause you won't accompany me tonight..." Guanlin smiled to him and patted Jihoon's head. "Yeah, yeah... You fatty little hyung...!" Jihoon sulked. "Hey! I'm your boyfriend you know!" He pouted. "Say that word again!" Guanlin said with eyes widen. "Hah?" "Say 'I'm your boyfriend' again!" Jihoon blushed. "There's no way I say such embarrassing thing!" He looked away as Guanlin chuckles by his beloved cute attitude.

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