Chapter 3: Thunder. Lighting.

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•̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ •̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ wahhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm

So sorry that I didn't update. I was terribly busy with school and all. Ugh I know! Excuses! Excuses but I'm sorry, I really am but hey I have my summer Vacation coming up , so I will have time to update once a week -maybe- making no promises though..... Anyway, enjoy this chapter.

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Eren's POV

"So I will be downstairs in the kitchen, making dinner. Go do something to keep yourself occupied." The male said as I tilt my head to one side, "occ-cupied?" I didn't quite understand that word since I'm only just three years old and yes I am a bright little kid at the age three.

"It means to keep busy." Levi tried to explain to me, his new little son but I didn't understand, making me even more confused than before. "Tsk. just go play!" The tall male ordered and I nodded. "Yes daddy."

The blacked haired male left the room, leaving me to do what ever I choose to do as long as I didn't make a mess. Still there was only some toys both girly toys and boyish toys, I chose the action figures, playing around with them. I used my new room as a playhouse for my action figures. "Captain Levi." Yes I know, I named my daddy for my action figure, "kill titans." I spoke as my character. Using the titan plushy that I had ever since birth, I attack my soft titan with all the toy soldiers which I named the survey corps.

Levi's POV

Adding different spices into the saucepan, I threw in Rosemary leaves along with salt and pepper. I was preparing my dinner along with Eren's dinner. I was in the process of making homemade fish finger and homemade fries for Eren since I didn't like frozen food as it is junk food to me.

10 Minutes later, I placed my son's food in a plate and laid it on the table, "EREN!" I called out for the little boy who was in his room. "EREN DINNER IS READY." I shouted loud enough for the little boy to hear from upstairs in his room. "Yes daddy." Eren came running down the stairs, "be careful, you might trip down the stairs." I informed, scooping the boy in my arms and placing him on a chair.

"Mmmmm looks yummy, daddy." Eren stated, "it will be, much better than the shit you eat at that orphanage." I swore, gaining a gasp from the little boy. "You said the s word!!!" He spoke with his eyes widen, "and? Oh right you shouldn't learn that word" I said.

We began eating and I must say Eren is a sloppy eater. "Daddy, daddy! This is YUM!" Eren spoke while he ate. "Don't talk while you eat," I replied back, "and thank you brat."

Soon enough after dinner it was time for bed but first a bubble bath for Eren to freshen him up.

"Bath time," I spoke.

"Yayyyy...." The little one observed the blue water filling up the tub, bubbles forming.

I stripped down Eren and placed him in the warm water. I was rewarded with splashing and laughter. "Eren cut it out you were splashing water on me and making me wet." I informed as Eren kept on doing it.

Soon after the bubble bath, I wrapped Eren in warm pjs, sliding the boy in bed. "Night Eren." I laid a kiss on his forehead. "Daddy can you read me a story?" Eren smiled cutely, looking you.

"No you have to sleep, now go night." My cold self was retrieving back into my system as I head to my room and closing the door. I stripped down to my underwear and got into bed. "Eren why did you have to leave?" I asked, looking at the photo that was on my bedside table of my husband. "I miss you dearly." I would have conservations with my husband well ex since now he wasn't with us anymore.

Having a long conservation, I closed my eyes. "I will love you always Eren. Good night " And with that I fell asleep.

A storm rolled in and Eren, the there year old one was in bed unable to fall asleep since he was scared. Scared of the storm and being alone.

Eren's POV

The storm appeared and I couldn't sleep. I would normal be okay since I had all the other kids with me but since I had no one expect for my plushy, I was shaking, terrified of the storm.

Jumping out of bed, I made my way to your room, opening the door and heading in. "Daddy?" I asked, holding on my stuffed titan. The sound of groans left the man's lips, "what?" He was woken, "can I sleep with you? I'm scared." I spoke and smiled when his dad gave a nod. Dashing into bed with my father, the lighting stroked and I whimper, squealing. "Shhhh... You are with me, nothing will hurt you. I'll protect you," the male said while holding me in his chest, rubbing my back.

"Okay daddy." Being in the warm embrace of my father, I felt safe which allowed me to fall asleep.

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