Chapter 3 Liam and Kalli's date

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Author's Note

Okay well this chapter shall have Liam and Kalli's date. What will happen? Well thats for you to find out and for me to write. Right now. Well this chapter may not be all that good because it's coming off the top of my head. So yeah okay. By the way if you're confused POV stands for point of view. Just in case you didn't know.Okay I'm rambling. Enjoy this chapter. I love writing by the way. Even if its bad. Okay bye go read!

Kalli's POV

"Well Niall do you want some breakfast?"I asked him. His eyes lit up at the mention of food.He nodded furiously."Haha okay but you have to wake up the boys. And all of you have to be ready in 10 minutes!"

Niall got up and started shaking the boys awake. "GET UP OR SHE WON'T FEED US!!!!" He yelled. The boys shot up."NOW GET READY IN LESS THAN 10 MINUTES! GO GO GO!!!!!!"

"Hahaha! Okay boys just don't hurt yourselves!" She told the boys who were stumbling over each other. She got up and walked into the kitchen. After looking through the fridge she decided on making them pancakes with bacon,muffins,and eggs. She got out all the ingredients and quickly made the food. The first to finish getting ready was Niall. He raced into the kitchen fully dressed and ready to eat.

He ran in and screamed"DONE! Where's the food?!?" He looked around before his eyes fell upon the pancakes. "Yessss! Score!!" He grabed a plate full and sat down. After the other boys came and ate she asked "Is it good?" She looked at each of the boys who all nodded quickly. She looked at Niall who was staring at his empty plate frowning. She laughed and said "Niall there's leftovers if you want some."He sped over to the food and ate straight from the pans.

"HEY! We want some too!"All the boys got up and ran to the pans as well. After they polished off each of the pans they retired to the living area. Kalli stayed behind and cleaned up. Liam came back and helped Kalli to clean. After they finished Liam wrapped his arms around Kalli. He whispered into her ear"You're beautiful. Don't let anybody tell you different." Those words sent chills up her spine. "I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to postpone our date."Her heart fell. I can't say that I wasn't disappointed. "Something came up. We have an interview to go to. So I was thinking we go on our date around 6? Is that fine?" He asked her.

Kalli's face lit up. "Yeah. Uh what interview are you going to?"She asked him.

"Oh! It's over on that show Cindy&Tom. You should come. It'll be really fun I promise." He replied quickly.

After thinking it over Kalli replied "I guess. It does sound fun."

"That's great! We leave at 2:45!" He kissed her forehead then sprinted off to get ready. Kalli went to see where the boys were at. Only Louis was in the living room.

"Hey Louis. Where is everyone?"

"In their rooms I think. Getting ready most likely."

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Are you coming with us?"

"Yeah. Okay well thanks Lou. By the way I saw a brand new pack of carrots in the fridge." She said running up the stairs.

"CARROTS!!!!!!" Louis yelled running into the kitchen. Kalli chuckled to herself before knocking on Harry's bedroom door. You don't barge in on Harry Styles. He could be naked at any moment.

"Come in!" He called. Kalli walked in and saw Harry lying on his bed texting.

"Who are you texting? Is it a girl?" She asked winking.

"No! I'm texting Boobear. I miss him."  Harry said frowning.

"He's just downstairs!" She replied laughing.

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