"The Uprising" (Kanto Arc Farewell Festival Pallet Town)

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As Professor Oak finishes his speech, Sei-Shun suddenly asks for the microphone. Prof. Oak hands it to him and he raises it to his mouth.

"How y'all doing today!" he speaks into it. The crowd gives a large scream and he looks behind him to see the large curtain in the back and faces the crowd again. "Now, most of you know who I am, and those that don't, now you know. But!" As he continues to speak to the audience through the microphone, a bass drum and snare begin to become audible in the back. The steady beat caught the ears of the audience and a large group of them scream as they knew what was about to happen.

"Some of you may know me for belonging to a certain music group." He gracefully moves his hand and points to the large curtain in the back and the screaming got progressively louder.

Yasashi looks at Mizu and asks, "Did you know that there was another one?" She knew he was talking about the curtain behind them and shakes her head. "No, I did not. But we should probably move." She starts to walk off stage and Yasashi follows after, the two holding both their Pokémon in their hands. Sei-Shun's Zigzagoon jumps off the stage to his family and his little sister catches it.

"You might've heard of us before, if not," The large curtain then raises and a group of people around Sei-Shun's age were revealed with various instruments. An enormous decorated curtain is lowered behind where the drummer was sitting and a large white logo was adorned on a black background. A large arrow pointing up with two wings and a guitar in the middle was the logo and under it was white text that read "The Uprising".

The crowd screams even louder and a man gives Sei-Shun a black electric guitar with white outlines and a cutaway as well as a mic stand. He places the microphone on the stand and turns around as the drummer continues the beat, adding the sound of the ride crash cymbal, and it gets louder and louder. Sei-Shun smiles at the audience and then speaks three words, "This is noise." At that instant, he starts to play his guitar and the audience goes absolutely insane! The lead guitarist adds harmonics as well and then they both do a pick slide, transitioning into the first verse.

His voice changes completely to one that was more mature and also rough. Throughout the first song, the audience that knew the song he was playing sang along at different parts and raised their fists as they did.

Yasashi looks over at Sei-Shun's family and they smile and waved. Yasashi tells his mother that he wants to move somewhere else and she agreed to take him to the rest of the festival. His Eevee was sighing in relief as they exit the large crowd Yasashi took notice of it. "You don't like this type of music, don't you?" he asks her. She looks at him in a tired face. "Loud music isn't really my thing. I prefer simpler music, and less loud than this." Yasashi smiles and continues to visit the attractions with his mother.

"Mind if I join you?" a voice asks behind them.

Yasashi turns around to see Mizu holding her Sentret. "Oh, Mizu!" Yasashi looks behind her and sees no one. "Um, don't you have family members here today?" he asks her. She shakes her head. "My family is all the way in Sinnoh. I'm here in Kanto by myself." Alone? Why? What are they doing so far away from her? Yasashi takes in the information and nods his head. "Sure, you can join us." he tells her. She increases her pace to be next to Yasashi and his mother and they continue to enjoy the rest of the festival.

Sei-Shun's band continued to play for over an hour, speaking out against corruption and unreasonable conflict throughout the show, and he decided to end it with a less hardcore song. Yasashi and Mizu decided to listen since there wasn't the thunderous beat of the drums and the piercing distortion guitars. He took out his acoustic guitar and played a song that everyone in the audience stayed silent to, except for a part in the second verse where he moved away from the mic and they sang the lines that he didn't. Yasashi's Eevee was listening intently at the melody of the song and so was Yasashi. Sei-Shun finishes with a final strum and the crowd cheers.

"I hope y'all had an amazing time today, I know me and my band did. You all have a fantastic time for the rest of today!" Sei-Shun says to the audience. He picks up his guitar and leaves backstage to meet his band members and Yasashi sees them giving each other handshakes and hugs. Mizu decided that now was the time that they should probably start to head out, and began to leave to wait at the front gate of Pallet Town. Yasashi tells her that he'll meet her there with Sei-Shun and she walks away.

"You had a fun time today?" Yasashi asks his Eevee on his shoulder as he scratches her ear. She giggles and said she did. "Well, I'll go get Sei-Shun so we'll start to head out soon." He tells his mother his plans and she says her farewells.

Yasashi runs off backstage to get Sei-Shun who was already done saying bye to his family and talking to his friends. Yasashi tells him their plan to meet up at the front gate of Pallet Town and he picks up his acoustic guitar that was in a black leather gig bag. He sends his Zigzagoon into its Poké Ball and walks with Yasashi to the front gate. Yasashi thinks to himself about today and a warm feeling wells up inside him.

Today was amazing, I can't wait to finally start this journey! I got a good feeling about it.

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