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"Mila!" I yelled as my best friend came in. She ran and koala hugged me. "I missed you Y/n/n." She said as she pretended to cry on my shoulder. "I missed you too." I said and also pretended to cry. We laughed and I put her down. "How you been? How's life been going for you?" She asked. I shook my head and let out a long breath. "Not good?" She asked. "I mean it is but with Mason. It's going down hill with hill." I told her. "What's happened this time?" I looked around to make sure no one was around. I didn't want to tell everyone yet.

"Mason dropped out of school." I whispered to her. Camila eyes widened and she gasped. "What? Really?" She whispered. "Yeah. Also he slapped Carla earlier because she wanted to draw with him." I said. Her eyes grew wider if possible. "I- Wow." Was all she said. "What are you and Dinah going to do with him?" She asked looking over at him. "I don't know. We could only think of one thing and we both don't want to do it." I told her. "Y/n! Camil! Come over here!" My mom yelled and waved us over. "Come on." Camila said. "Hey Tete." Angel said. Camila and Normani's daughter. "Hey sweetheart. How you been?" I asked. "Good. I won my dance competition." She told me. "Congrats Angel. I'll try to go to your next one." I told her. She nodded.


We've been eating and talking. Having a good time. Talking about different things. "I heard the football team won Anthony and Malcom." Ricky said. "Yeah. It was all because of Mal. If he wasn't the quarterback we would've never won." Anthony said making his Nephew blush from all the attention on him. "Yeah but you got the touchdown. So you helped out just as much I did." Malcom said. "Yeah I'm pretty awesome." Anthony said. "Um I have something to say." Malachi said and stood up with Tyler. "What is it?" I asked hoping he didn't say what I thought he would say.

"Give me my hundred dollars." Dinah whispered. "You don't even know yet." I whispered. He grabbed Tyler's hand. "We're dating." He said. "Damn it!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me wide eyed. "No. Sorry. Congrats to y'all. Take the stupid money." I took out hundred dollars and shoved it in Dinah's hand. "Y'all made a bet on us?" Tyler asked. "Yeah why not." I shrugged. "I think everyone made a bet on y'all." Dinah's mom said and passed money to her husband. Along with Camila, Ally, and Anthony. "Well since they said something we will too." Jessica said.

"We will?" Malcom asked. She gave him a look. "Oh right. Jessica and I are dating." He said. Everyone who got money handed it back to the other person except Malcom. "Thanks for my money." I said. "Whatever." Dinah rolled her eyes. "Mason how's school?" Mom asked him. The whole room went quiet as everyone waited.


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