Chapter 1

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I was lying in bed sound asleep under the covers.  I was all wrapped up under my black and white bedding, with a purple flees blanket wrapped all around me.  I had my bed surrounded by four pillows, which gave me the feeling that I was secure and I didn't roll off the bed. I tend to fall off the bed in the middle of the night.  I shared a room with Yui, seeing how we were the youngest of the family.  We ended up moving our room into our parents old bedroom, which was about three times bigger than our original one.  The old room felt like a little closet, and their wasn't enough room to do anything. My stuff was on the left side of the room, under the giant window on the far end of the room.  Yui had the right, where our closet sat.  I let her have the closet, seeing how most of my clothes were just tee shirts and jeans.  I owned only one dress that was in the closet.  It was a dark red, with black lace all over it.  It had a little lace around the bottom of it, to finish the look.  The dress drapped to the bottom of my knees, which it didn't drag on the ground.  I only had it because I grew up knowing that having only one dress was good, just in case an occation that requires one, came up.

I lied in bed hearing Yui toss and turn in bed, as she drempt.  It was around five in the morning, and the sun wasn't even up yet.  We kept the shades open because Yui likes to wake up with the sun, shinning in her face.  I did too, but because of my job, I had to get up before sunrise.  I continued lying in bed, as my time hit and my alarm clock started to do it's regular beep.  I moaned as I looked up at it, and huffed.  I threw off the covers and sat up in bed, as I shifted to the edge of the bed.  After slapping the alarm off, I took a deep stretch and got up to get ready for  my day.  It was another work day for me, seeing how I didn't have many days off.  I went to the dresser and started to rummage through it.  I pulled out a red and black plad shirt, and a dark pair of jeans.  I grabbed my work boots and a pair of socks, then quietly snuck out of the room, shutting the door behind me. I walked to the bathroom seeing the door shut, and a light under it.  I knocked three times as I spoke.  "Jane, are you almost done?" I asked, in a tired tone of voice.  "Yep, almost" she said as the cabinet door shut, and the regular door opened, showing Jane standing right there.  She was wearing a black top and a white skirt, with white sandles.  She had her reddish blond hair tied in the back of her head, braided down hew back and off of her neck.  She smiled a big good morning smile, as she walked out of the bathroom.  "All yours.  I'll get started on breakfast" she said, as she walked out of my way, and walked towards the livingroom.  I sighed as I walked into the bathroom and jumped in the shower.

After my shower, I put on my jeans and looped a red scarf through the belt loops to keep them up.  I didn't like wearing a belt because it takes me took long to put it through.  I buttoned my plad shirt, as I left a couple of bottons undone at the top.  I took a step back to look at the way it worked, seeing if it was alright for work, which it was.  I grabbed my brush as I put my hair into a ponytail, just for something different.  Plus, it keeps my hair off of my neck as I worked.  When that was completed, I took a step back to look in the mirror.  I studied my brown locks as I made sure they were all into the ponytail, which they were.  I sighed as I put the dirty clothes into the hamper, and walked out of the bathroom.  I sighed as I turned to walk into the livingroom, hearing a skillet  sizzling in the kitchen.  I walked in as the smell of bacon hit my nostrals.  "Smells good today, Jane" I said, as I sat down next to her, while we ate.  I grabbed a plate that had an egg on it, as I started to eat. I looked at the time to make sure I had time left, which I did.  Jane nodded as she started to eat herself.  Shifting came from the living room as Yui walked into the kitchen.  She took a big stretch as she yawned, then joined us.  "Morning" she said, as she sat down to eat.  I nodded my hello because I couldn't speak at the moment.

We ate in silent for a moment, until Yui started to laugh a bit. I looked at her confused as I chewed a piece of egg.  "What you laughing at Yui?" I asked, as I went to take another bite.  She finished her chuckle as she turned to Jane. "Jane, remember when we were at the other place, and the guys took us to the beach?" she said, as Jane looked up at her.  She cracked a smile, as she grabbed her napkin, and whipped her mouth.  "Yeah, I still remember Loki chucking you in the water" she said, as she shook her head. She sighed before she spoke again.  "I sure do miss those boys" she said, picking at her food.  I looked down as I ate, still thinking their crazy.  I huffed as I just let them have their memories.  I ate breakfast rather quickly as I looked at the time.  "I got to go to work.  I'll try to make it before supper" I said, as I got up from the table.   I walked to the fridge to grab my lunch.Then walked to the door to put my shoes and coat on.   Jane sighed as she spoke.  "Doesn't your job let you have a break?" she said, with worry in her voice.  I sighed as I grabbed my hat, and put it on.  "They do. I just don't need one" I said silently, as I went to open the door.  Jane huffed as she walked up to me.  "Hey, maybe you should take the day off.  You are going to crash one day from exastuion, and you haven't had a break since you got the job" she said, as I reached for my coat.  "I'm fine" I said, as I opened the door, and headed out onto the driveway.  "See you at five" I said, as I left the house and started my work day.

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