Chapter 7

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I awoke to the sun shinning in my face.  The bright light beamed into my eyes, shining bright red through my eye lids.  I squinted as I shifted in my chair, trying to hide from the bright light, but nothing worked.  I sighed in frustration as I opened my eyes slowly, trying not to make it hurt even more.  I moaned as I sat up and started to rub my eyes.  I slowly turned my head seeing no one out with me, and the fire still crackling, but dying in the pit.  "What? Where is everyone?" I asked myself as I shifted into a sitting posion, drapping my legs over the rim of the chair.  I moaned as I took a big stretch, following by a yawn.  "Wow, you were tired last nigh" a calm voice said, as footsteps walked closer to me. I looked up towards the voice, seeing Balder standing there, now towering  over me.  I moaned a bit, as I went to stand up, but started to fall.  "Woah" Balder said, as he caught me in mid fall.  I got  a little imbarrest, so I completely stood up, and moaned again.    "I'm...Sorry bout that" I said, with yet another yawn.  Balder smiled as he shook his head.  "It's alright, your tired" he said, as I looked st the fire again.  The flame was still going, but it was very low.  It got me confused about why they didn't put it out and bring me in the hosue.  

I sighed as I spoke.  "You didn't put the fire out last night?" I asked, more to get myself up and ready for the day.  Balder looked at the pit as he shook his head.  "No. We left it going because no one felt like moving you last night. So, we kept the fire going to keep you warm" he said, with a little smile. I sighed, as I looked back at the fire, then took a deep stretch, following by yet another yawn.  I finished, as I looked around the yard, seeing it empty with nothing but the faint crakle of the fire for sound.  I looked up at the sky, seeing the sun starting to crack out of the night sky,  no cloud in sight.  The air became warmer, as I stood there, just looking around the backyard.  I started to feel more relaxed and got me thinking of the lake.  I chuckled a bit as I sighed.  "It's such a good day to go hang at the lake" I moaned, tiredly. Balder sighed as he looked at me.  "Your going back to the lake?  Why don't you want to do anything with us?" he asked, a little wine came to his voice.  I felt my mood drop, as I sighed.  I felt very down at the moment, because it made me think of work.  I got even more down as I started tos feel something wet down my cheek.  I looked up at the blue sky, seeing nothing but bright colors and a gleaming sun.  "Phoenix?" he asked, in a shy voice as I felt a hand place on my sholder.  I looked over, feeling another wet drop fall.  I looked at Balder as he watched me in worry, looking like he was scared of something, but I didn't know what.  "What is it" I said, as I found my voice sounding weaker, like I was wimpering.

Balder looked at me with more worry, as he huffed.  "Do you want a hug?"  he asked, arms fully out and coming to give me a hug.  I pulled away from him, as I looked at him in the eye.  He looked confused at the sight of my reaction, as he stayed in the same position. "What's the matter?" he asked, with confusion.  I felt the tears down my cheek increase, as I just watched him.  I got up as I shook my head.  "I'm...Sorry.  I need to be alone.  Please tell Jane that I went to the lake" I said, as I walked passed him, and left the yard.  When I got to the road, I sprintrd down, to the lake as fast as I could.

I didn't stop until I got totally at the lake, seeing the blue water glisten under the sun.  The whole body shined in it's glow, sparkling like the starts the night before.   The wind was a cool  breeze, that brushed from the crystalizing water.  It made me think of the past, and our parents, as the memories started to haunt me. I thought about work, and thought about why I don't stop.  It's because of these haunting memories.   I wished that Jane didn't make me stop.  If I was at work, none of these memories would happen.  I felt the tears as they pooled in my eyes, and pour down my cheeks, in massive waterfall type forms.  I thought about what the woods might look like, and thought about taking a walk in them.  I confirmed the thought, as another came into my mind.  "Should I tell Jane about this?" I thought to myself, as I sighed.  Finally, I turned back and started walking on a nearby hiking trail, that led deeper into the woods. It was just a little dirt pathway, with rocks and tree branches, sticking out of the ground.  I dodged the rocks and sticks, as I slowly walked the trail, looking at my feet.  I felt my phone vibrate as I looked at it.  It had a text from Jane on it, in big bold letters.  "Where are you Phoenix?" it read, making it seem like she was in a panic.  I huffed, as I stuck my phone back in my pocket.  I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, I was too upset to be around others at the moment.

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