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I was in shock, i just couldn't think straight. Where in the hell was I going to hide Austin? I heard the footsteps coming up the stairs, getting closer and closer to my room. "Just go hide in the bathroom." I said nervously pushing Austin into my bathroom. "Ashley what are you doing in there why is your door locked?" Tori asked "Now be quiet and I'll text you when she leaves." I told him and peeked him on the lips. "I'm in the bathroom i'll be right there." I screamed. I looked in the bathroom mirror to make sure I was presentable. "You look fine babe go." Austin whispered. I smiled at him then walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I walked over to my bedroom door, unlocked it, then opened it. "Hey!" Tori yelled hugging me. I smiled at her and hugged her back. "What are you doing here?" I asked walking over to my computer chair sitting down. "Just thought i'd stop by and see what you were up to. Who's car is that in your driveway? It looks like Austin's car. " She questioned me. My heart started beating really fast. I couldn't come up with a good excuse. " Really Austin has that car? I think it's the new guy he just got hired yesterday." I said. She looked at me like she knew something was up. "Oh well I thought it was Austin's sorry. I hope you know Ashley that the only reason I don't want you near him is because he killed someone and I don't want you to be the next victim." She stated. I couldn't believe she would say that. It made me feel teriible becase he was just in the bathroom, he could hear everything she just said. "I know where you're coming from Tori but people can change, I think you should give him a chance to prove that he's different." I ranted. She looked at the floor, "Yeah you're right but i'm not, at the end of the day he still killed someone and i'm not okay with that." she seemed angry, "and ashley why are you defending him?" she asked. "No i'm not I'm just saying, how would you feel if you were in his position?" I asked. she shook her head, "But I would never be in his position because I would never EVER kill someone." I just wanted her to leave already she was starting to get me really mad. "Tori I just remembered I have homework, I'll text you okay?" she got up from my bed and I followed her, we walked downstairs and when we got to the door I gave her a hug and she was off. I went outside and sat on the front steps. I just wish people would see the side of him that I see. I can't imagine what he's going through. He is my everything and if he's suffering than i'm suffering. I can feel his pain and it kills me. "Hey what are you doing out here? Austin said closing the front door behind him. "What are you doing out here? I said I would text you when she left." He sat downt next to me and looked at me. "I saw her leave that's why I'm out here, Ashley are you okay you seem like you're mad at me or something." he said curiously. I wasn't mad I was upset, upset at the fact that my bestfriend hates Austin with everythig she has, nothing will make her change her miind about her feelings towards him. " No I'm fine." I lied. He put his arm around me and put his lips to my ear, "Let's go finish what we started" He whispered. Are you fucking kidding me after all that he just heard in there he wants to have sex with me. Yes I was in the mood earlier but now I have too much on my mind. "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU AUSTIN." I stated harshly. He took his arm off of me and stood up, "Well you could've just said you're not in the mood, damn I'll just leave then."  He got up and walked over to his car, I've never seen him mad before it was kind of scaring me. I ran toward him, "Austin I didn't mean to yell at you like that  " He stopped dead in his tracks, he didn't even bother to turn around and look at me, "I have to get going anyways, I'll see you at school tomorrow." God dammit now he's mad at me because I yelled at him, I just should've told him why I was acting that way. I walked inside and went up to my room, I decided to take a nice hot shower so I could clear my mind. 

It's now one thirty in the morning, I can't sleep and I haven't heard from Austin since he left. I feel so bad for yelling at him, I shouldn't have but what Tori said really got to me and the fact that he heard what she said killed me. I put my headphones in and blasted my music, music seemed to be my only escape tonight. My eyes started getting heavy and I was fighting sleep, I wanted to wait and hear from Austin before I went to sleep but I eventually gave up and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. The first thing I did was check my phone to see if Austin responded, he didn't. If he gets this mad at me for yelling at him what is he going to do when I tell him about my dad? I got up out of bed and threw on tights,uggs, and a over sized sweater considering it was January and it was cold outside. I did my makeup quickly and put my hair in a side braid. I didn't even bother having breakfast so I went to my car and drove to school. I parked my car and went to the back where Austin and I would usually meet. I waited and waited, the bell rang and he still wasn't here. I went to class hoping he would show up by third period. He never did. I was devastated, I couldn't think straight. Time went by slow today but it was finally lunch. I went straight to the table and sat down. Tori and Jesse eventualy showed up, "Hey girly what's up?" Tori asked. "Hey, nothing just sitting here waiting for you guys."  Tori was looking everywhere for who? I had no clue. "Hey uh Ashley, I guess Austin isn't here today, you think he's on a killing spree?" She laughed. I was in shock, that was so uncalled for. "What the fuck is your problem Tori that's not even funny." I said in disgust and with that said I got up and left. She looked a little  shocked but I didn't care she didn't need to say that. The rest of the day couldn't have come any quicker I rushed out of the school doors and got into my car and drove home. I was worried sick about Austin, he wasn't at school today and I haven't heard from him since yesterday. I just hope he didn't run away becasue that's the last thing I need right now. I pulled onto the street I lived on and I could see a figure sittiing on the steps to my house, the first thing that popped in my head was Austin. I pulled into my driveway and jumped out of the car as fast as I could. Austin's head shot up and he looked like shit. "Austin where the hell have you been i've been trying to call you all day, you had me worried sick." He looked up at me and had a very serious look on his face, "Do you remeber the gang I told you I was in? Well they found out I got out of jail and now they're after me." 

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