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I can't believe what Austin just said. Should I tell him that was my dad who bailed him out of jail? I can't keep it from him he's looking at me like he knows something's wrong just then he grabbed my hand, "What's wrong did I say something that upset you?" I just couldn't tell him, "No it's nothing i'm fine, I just can't believe you were able to get bailed out after what you did. Austin you should be very greatful that someone would do that for you, I mean not everybody gets that chance." He put his head down, "I know and I am greatful very greatful, I thought everything through when I was in jail and I just wish I could contact his family somehow to thank them for what he did for me." He can't find out, if he does he's not going to trust me. "Don't you think that's going to be hard? What if they live across the state Austin, I mean I'm pretty sure he knows that you thank him. He's probably looking down on you right now and seeing how well you're doing since then. I'm sure he is very proud of you." He hugged me really tightly. I sat there for a moment thinking about the consequences for not telling him, then I hugged him back.

Friday came very quickly. School has been good except for the fact that I can't talk to Austin in front of my friends. I told Austin that I don't care what they say but he still won't let me talk to him because he didn't want me to loose them. I guess he was very protective over me. I know that I've only known him for five days but I think I have feelings for him already. I've never fell for someone this fast but I just get this feeling in my stomach when we're together that I've never felt before. Whenever I see Austin around school I just want to go up to him and hug or talk to him. It kills me to see him alone all the time because he is such a nice guy and people dont see that, all they see is a kid that murdered someone. At lunch i would'nt touch my food, all I could think about was Austin, and him starring at me all lunch didn't help either. "Hey Ashley! We should do something tonight, like go to the movies or something." Tori said walking up to the table. "Yeah that sounds good, uh what time though" I was still looking at Austin And he was looking straight back at me. He smiled and I smiled back. "Who are you smilling at?" Tori asked. "Oh no one. What time should we go?" I asked her. I looked away from Austin, if I didn't I would have ended up going and sitting with him. "I'll pick you up around seven, Ashley are you okay you look depressed?" She said. I was depressed I just wanted to be with him, but I couldn't. "Yeah I'm fine just thinking, that's all." I felt my phone vibrate and looked at it, it was Austin. I had the biggest smile on my face. "Do you want to hangout later?" it said. I texted him back and said, " Is seven okay?" I looked up and he was looking at me he shook his head and i smiled knowing that I'll finally be able to be with him again. "Ashley is seven okay for you?" Tori asked. Oh no, i got so caught up in Austin I already forgot about Tori, "Actually I can't tonight I have this thing that I have to go to with my mom." I hated lying to her but she would hate me if she found out about Austin and I seeing each other. "Hey are you okay you've been acting really strange today, you just seem out of it." She said looking concerned. "I'm fine, Tori I promise we will do something this weekend." She smiled "Okay sounds good just text me." And with that she was out of sight.

The day was finally over it was the longest day of the week. I was so glad I was finally going to be able to be with Austin, I walked as fast as I could out to my car. I Put the key in the ignition and the engine roared. The ride home wasn't long it took about five minutes to get to my house. When I finally got there I saw someone sitting on my front steps. Austin? I got out and ran over to him, "Austin what are you doing here so early?" he picked me up and spun me around, "I couldn't wait any longer I had to see you, you don't know how hard it was for me all week to not be able to talk to you or hug you." I blushed and smiled from ear to ear. I hugged him tightly, "I missed you Austin I don't know how much longer i can do this." He let go of me and cupped his hands on my face so I was looking directly at him. "Ashley trust me it kills me everytime I see you at school but I just don't want you to get bullied like I do. You don't deserve that." I looked down, "hey let's go inside." Austin said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. I am so glad I gave him a chance. He really cares about me. He makes me feel like i'm the only girl in the world he treats me like a princess. If people would just see this side of him. "What do you want to do?" I asked him. He scrunched his eyebrows, "How about we watch a movie?" I smiled, he was so cute when he did that. "Sure sounds great." I grabbed his hand and took him to the theater room. "What movie do you want to watch?" I asked. "How about ride along?" he held it in his hands. "So you like funny movies huh?" I smiled. "Yes they are my favorite." He laughed. he went to sit on the couch while I put the movie in. I went and sat next to him. It was kind of awkward becasue we were just sitting there. I just want to be wrapped in his arms. As the movie progressed we ended up sitting right next to each other hip to hip. Austin's arm was around my shoulder and my head lay on his shoulder. I wasn't paying much attention to the movie. All I could think about was Austin and my dad, Austin was actually the last person to see my dad. I still want to know how my dad knew Austin it was all too confusing.

I woke up to Austin's arm around my torso and no space between us. He was sleeping and the screen was off. I looked at my phone and it was already twelve in the morning. I turned so I was facing him. He was flawless, I couldn't pick out one flaw. I sat there thinking about how lucky I was to have him right here with me right now. "Hey sleepy head." He said in a raspy voice. "I thought you were sleeping." I lauged. He opened his eyes and looked right into mine he smiled, "what?" I asked. He smiled and said, " You're beautiful." My cheeks got really hot and I couldn't help but smile. Austin pulled me in closer to him and our noses were touching. He flashed a smile showing his teeth, I smiled back at him and before I knew it our lips touched. It felt like the first time all over again. But this time there was more passion and lust. Our lips moved perfectly in sync and the kiss gradually got deeper. I felt Austin smile and I couldn't help but smile aswell. He was everything I could ask for and more.

A.N: Hey guys! I am in love with Ashley and Austin's relationship. Anyways thanks for reading like always! The secret is amazing OMG! My favorite song is shadow becasue it has so much meaning behind it.

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