A Nightmare Awakens

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An elder man, wearing a grey suit and black shirt was leading a similarly clothed young one after him. They'd been going from location to location in their city for most of the day now, all the while the senior keeping track of their activities and occasionally instructing his successor.

"Jahn, do you still think you're up to the task?" The Director of Excelse asked as he turned towards the young man from Germany, Jahn Dietrich. "You won't be able to just simply take over the coat and be done with it you know."

"Well, I'm actually more curious why didn't you impose a lock down on the rest. I mean, now that they know the truth of you being a lapdog of Demon's and such." Jahn answered with a smirk. "Or you're this calm because you have done something to us to prevent it?"

"Aren't you a sharp one." Chortled Arkham. "The contracts you've signed contains a second Demonic one in it. Relax, it only stops you from disclosing the matters to other Oblivious'."

"Oblivious?" Raised his eyebrows the German young man. "Since it doesn't stop discussing the matter with those who know it, that means it does entail some form of danger doesn't it?"

"You catch on quick." The Director smirked and led his young apprentice towards a different direction. "We're the lapdogs of Demon's just as you said, therefore what would happen if someone associated with us would be found by someone that is our enemy?"

"Enemy?" Tested the word Jahn, before signing in resignation. "And you aren't stopping them? They could bring ruin to Excelse."

"I wouldn't worry about that, Lady Suu wouldn't let us fall that easily." They have arrived at the location where a few days prior, said Fel had consumed the Human male Lac. "Hmm, found it." Leaned the elder down at the spot and took out a cube shaped device from his pocket. "Got it, let's move on."

"So we really are cleaning the mess up after the Demon's?" Sighed the German man in frustration. "How pathetic."

"We're just worthless Human trash in their eyes. Oblivious to the Realms. Just getting knowledge about the Ascender's is something significant."

"Oblivious, Realms and Ascender?"

"Have you watched Sliders?" Asked Arkham suddenly, to what his successor shook his head surprised. "It was an older TV show about a group of misfits, traveling to alternate realities and undergoing a lot of hardship. Similarly to that show, each dimension has a Realm of it's own."

"Multiple Earth's exist then?"

"No. Only one Earth exists, that's the name of this Realm. But in the Chaotic Realms, many Earth like Realms exist. To be honest, it should be uncountable."

Jahn raised his brows again. "Chaotic Realms?" He digested the name. "I'm assuming here that there are other type of Realms then, right?"

"Demonic, Heavenly, Chaotic. These three are bound by an ancient war." Said Arkham with a smile then started to count a few others out. "Elven, Undeath, AMO, Draconic, Elemental just to name a few others."

"So there's quite a variety then there too." Hummed Jahn in understanding, noticing that the elder took out his phone. "Are we done here?"

"Not quite." The Director dialed a number which connected after a short time. "Good Day sir, I'm Shau Roarke Arkham from Excelse." He started in a somber tone and waited for the reply before continuing. "I'm calling to inform you that your son, Senn Lac had a tragic car accident, he and one a co worker known as Roi Noire had lost their lives in it." There was some more silence following the sentence, then a shaky voice asked something. "I'm sorry sir to inform you of this, but yes. Although I'm afraid nothing much was left of them, you and your family can come to view and verify if it's them. I'll be handing the appointment to one of mine subordinates, wait a moment please sir."

Excelsion - Book 0 : PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now