Truth or Dare

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The Rift closed behind the Empress of Hell and she looked to her left as Faust faltered for a brief moment. The tall Demon looked shocked, to what Axela simply chuckled. After all the Realm they just entered was none other than the original Birthrealm of the Demonkind.

Purgatory. However, despite the expectations of the Demon beside the Empress it was barren. A desolate wasteland anywhere the eye could see, and even further than that. There weren't any celestial objects on the pitch black sky, however the Realms land did glow with an eerie blue light, staining everything in a blueish hue.

"This wasn't what you expected, eh?" She stretched feeling the comforting Essence of the Realm, however she did notice that Faust was struggling a bit. "Ah... Faust, you okay?"

"Yes... Empress." Stated the Demon with gritted teeth. "It's just... this Essence is far more stronger than anyone I've felt so far."

"Because this belonged to the Creator himself." Her expression then darkened. "Well, before Chaos ripped him to shreds that is... Anyways, it might be uncomfortable for you. Sorry about that Faust."

The Demons fists clenched tight. "I can bear with it Empress, but I have no idea why was I required to come along." Then he stopped for a moment. "Unless you want to use me as a form of bargaining chip."

"Would it matter if I did?" Smirked the Empress mischievously. "But rest assured Faust, you still belong to me."

They have then spotted a dust cloud in the distance, that was nearing them and growing extremely quickly. In a few seconds the clouds reached them and swiftly settled to reveal a humanoid figure pulling a cart behind him.

"Empress Ard Nymeria Axela and Guardian Faust." Stated the lanky Demon as he bowed before them. "I came in order to escort you to the Great Empress Lilith." Then he looked over to the dozen meter tall Faust. "Though, I am sorry to say... I wasn't expecting someone of your size, Guardian Faust."

"That will not be a problem." Stated the Guardian and his form started to boil and blur, turning opaque and liquid. Then it started to flow towards the shadow of the Empress and disappear into it slowly, after a minute or so nothing remained visible of the great Demon.

"Faust." Sighed the Empress, stretching her arms once more. "You do know I don't like when you do that..." She then shivered. "It feels as if you are trying to touch me in places." There was no response audible, but the Empress then laughed. "Ah you know I was just teasing you Faust."

The lanky Demon then cleared his throat. "I guess that we can move now?" As an answer, Axela then hopped into the cart. "Then we are off now."


"So, she's coming and not alone you said?"

"Yes Great Empress." Stated a Demon kneeling before the ruler of Purgatory. "However, the reason for Empress Axela's visit was not stated."

"Does my daughter need a reason for visit?" Tilted the woman her head, chuckling lightly at the now profusely sweating Demon. "Well, I'm actually happy she is coming to see me."

"Y-yes Great Empress..." Gulped in despair the Demon, feeling the pressure radiated by the Great Empress.

"You seem to be troubled." Laughed Lilith. "Well, why don't you leave?"

"L-leave?" Stuttered the Demon.

"Yes, all of you." Looked over the rest of the Demons, some of them her guards, others of a high rank at least Sovereign, but a few of them were Overlords. "I want to meet with my daughter alone, can't I?"

Excelsion - Book 0 : PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now