Author's irritated Ramblings

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Hey there to anyone that reads my story.

First before I start rambling...

I will have to get this one on hold for a while, hopefully only till the end of December, at at worst end of January. Short version, I got a wench thrown into my gears, and that's not a typo... This is where I start rambling... So if anyone wants to ignore it, you can and just jump to the next section


Basically, while I created Excelsion and am building the work, I did naturally share it with my friends the idea and to those who were interested in it. This meant that I had it worked and reworked quite a lot of times actually and the previous 3 versions were quite a bit different for it to be honest.

Which I don't mind, I had time to explore different points and approaches, also merged in ideas from other "half-baked" stories I had to get to the point where I am at now. Additionally, those who were also involved even if partially in the story, I heard their ideas and used them as well. For the better or the worst.

Additionally, the people involved I asked them if they wanted to "participate" in the story with a char, it was naturally not mandatory, but hey. Some answered a yes, some a no and that means there are not only my characters in, but also "guests".

Considering quite a few characters in the 1st book are these guests that I have made part of the story are important. To name a few, Zaj'jrey, Sevarron, Zero, Alice, Anna... and you get the idea. The problem only arises when these characters are just "guests" and while I have info on them, I have not a complete knowledge.

So to basically sum this up, one of the guests was removed by their creator from my "pool of knowledge" without my knowing and only discovered once I was like half way through the beginning of the next chapter.

So the following issue arises:

*I do not own them, the guest characters I mean
*They were removed, along with any addition that contributor had made.
*While I am the author, I don't want to use the "partial" information I have on that guest char.
*But most importantly: Everything I built on said char is now in ruins. Considering that a major part of the main even of the 1st book and the entire 2nd book would have focused on said removed character...
*I cannot contact the person, because they had blocked their messages... for an unknown reason. which leads to a dead end...

Yeah, I got sucker punched, HARD.

What it does mean:

*I'm going to redo the entire main thing, have to... completely redo the 2nd book idea... TT_TT
*Simply removing the char from the roster won't cut it at all, because they would have influenced a lot of the content... makes me annoyed tbh.
*Call it revenge, but the character will have to die. I'm probably going to make it gruesome.
*The story will also become more darker, after all said character would have forced the story to deviate from the initial neutral chaotic type of plot into a chaotic good one or so...
*I do not have to put up with a power hungry character, that has a potential to become a Planet-buster... (You have no idea how many things I had to rework because the owner of said char wanted a Planet-buster...)

Well, this ends my rantings/ramblings/ravings call it whatever you want.


Once more, for those who read (is there anyone tbh?) I am sorry for not being able to work on it at all for a while, I hope only till the end of the month, at most the next.

Additionally, I might simply rename this book to Book 0, so I will get a fresh start with the following book. Most probably that's going to happen.

Excelsion - Book 0 : PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now