His Wrath

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Author's Note:

I made this one a little longer than usual so that way it would prepare you for next chapter. So I'm just gonna apologize to my best friend Ellyasaurus for this chapter and everyone else who also feels sad over the deaths of the previous characters. Now Elly if you're reading this...I love you and I'm very sorry for killing your bias and I apologize to everyone for killing everyone's hope..

Now To The Actual Story:

No one has seen or heard from Jungkook in days. There have been rumors that the man in the bunny mask has taken them. The guy that killed Jin and Jimin. You hated the man in the mask. For killing the men you loved...for taking Kookie. Your mind told you something was wrong with him but you can't deny your heart. You loved him....even though he is obviously possessive.

Everyone has been distant from one another. Accusing each other to be the man behind the mask. Even walking around the school, you feel how tense it is. People kept spreading so many rumors you could never tell who actually knew the truth or was just spreading even more rumors.

You then open your locker only to see Elly's handwriting on a note.


Meet me in the cafeteria in 10 minutes. We need to talk about Jungkook.


You then grabbed the book you needed for your next class and headed to meet her. When you get there you see her and Yoongi standing there waiting for you.

"What's wrong?" You say walking closer to them

"We.....think...Jungkook-" Elly was cut off my Yoongi's angry voice

"He killed them." He said with the veins popping out of his neck

"W-what..." You say staring at them like a deer in headlights 

He spoke again in that some cold angry tone, "He fucking killed them...because of you."

You still stared at them...unable to form words....your mind blank

"We don't know for sure...but Jungkook was seen at the crime scene after Jin died and Yoongi told me he thought Jungkook grew a weird obsession with you." Elly says holding your hand

You pull her hand away, tears well up in your eyes, your head telling you they might be right, but your heart....won't believe it, "No...." 

"y/n....please....just stay away from him." Elly said reaching out for you

You step back and stare at them. Yoongi just shook his head and grabbed his bag and stormed out of the room, unable to stand the sight of you.

"y/n...don't fall in love with him..." Elly said now crying herself

"Too fucking late.." You say in a mere whisper and run out of the room crying

-Jungkook's POV-

That bastard Taehyung....I knew he liked her....I saw it in his eyes every time he looked at her and that bastard Hoseok! He had the audacticy to try to calm me down!?!? What the hell was he thinking? I will teach them.....I will show them.....show them that she is MINE!!!

Jungkook put on his mask not even bothering to clean off the blood from Jin. He then entered Hoseok's apartment where he laid asleep on his couch. Jungkook just removed the mask and smiled.

He put on some gloves and sat down on the couch next to Hoseok. He fluttered his eyes open and smiled seeing Jungkook's face.

"Aw Kookie! It's been awhile since anyone's seen you. Where have you been?" He said still laying down

"Oh you know.....plotting your death." Said Jungkook laughing hysterically

"What?" Said Hoseok giving a scared smile, tensing up a bit

Jungkok then shfitly swipped the pillow from under his head, got on top of him, and pressed it on his face. Hoseok tried frantically to escape, feeling the affects from the lack of oxygen. Jungkook pressed harder with all his strength, hoping it will kill him faster. After 2 minutes he starts to slow down, his strength weakened until he didn't move at all.

Jungkook then put his head on his chest to here if his heart was still beating...


Jungkook gave a satisfied smile before leaving his apartment.

-Time Skip-

Jungkook arrived at Tae's place and Jungkook's blood started to boil remembering how Tae likes HIS girl. He gripped the knife tightly before opening the door. When he stepped inside he saw Tae sitting in a chair at the table waiting for him.

"Took you long enough....Kookie." He said looking at a hand-gun with a suppressor on the table

Jungkook didn't remove the mask but he was angry.

"I...had another...stop to make." Jungkook said smirking behind the mask

Tae laughed.

"I'm going to fucking kill you for what you did to Jin and Jimin Kookie." Said Tae grabbing the gun

"Oh! Well guess you have to count Hoseok too." Said Jungkook laughing

Tae pointed the gun at Jungkook and yelled, "Fucking murderer!" 

Tae fired the gun three times, but Jungkook ducked behind the couch. Tae kept firing....bullet after bullet until he ran out. Luckily for him one bullet went through Jungkook's shoulder.

"Ah!" He yelled in pain dropping his knife

Jungkook and Taehyung watched as it clattered onto the wooden floor and lunged for it. They both gripped it tight in one hand and fought each other with the other. They punched and kicked one another hoping that one person would drop it. Eventually Jungkook found away to kick Tae in the groin and he let go to hold where he was hit.

Jungkook then turned him over and stabbed him repeatedly. You would have heard Tae's screams had Jungkook not sliced his throat first. Jungkook just kept stabbing him over and over again, yelling in anger, even after Tae had died and his body became life-less, he kept stabbing him.

Eventually he finished letting out his anger and finally the pain of the bullet was too much for him to handle. He then left the knife inside Tae's body and walked out and took off his bloody clothes, mask, and gloves and going behind a dumpster where he placed a dufflebag with spare clothes.

He then headed over to your house where you let him in with open arms and lead him straight to your room, lips locked, and clothes coming off.

Behind That Cute Smile | J.Jk || COMPLETED ||Where stories live. Discover now