Miles apart

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Dan had never been a crier. He was the type to bottle up his feelings and put on fake smiles yet here he was and he didn't care anymore. He was determined to find Jessica yet it seemed like she had never existed. Her apartment looked same as always she hadn't said anything about leaving to anyone. It didn't make any sense. Nothing seemed to in this moment in time, huddled up on the side of a long winding country road pulling his thin jacket to his freezing cheeks crying. Except Dan wasn't in the present he was thinking about the past 

It was a warm summers day as Dan crawled out of bed . He checked his phone. 

New messages 

J:let's go to the beach 

P:Dan is still in bed 

J: he's just lazy we will make his desions for him! 

P:okay meet you at 11 

J:okay Philly :)

Dan looked at the time it was already half ten so Dan desided to get ready right after he texted back 

D:look at you making plans without me >:(

J:look who's awake! 


They went to the beach later that day. Dan remembered fondly laying arm in arm together on the sand watching the sunset then getting a necklace with a small jar of sand hanging from the lose string. Dan clutched the necklace as he came to a realisation: this is one of the only peices of Jess you have left she's well and truly gone. It was now 4am. Phil would be worried-very worried about Dan when he woke up and realised he was gone. After all Phil cared for Dan greatly. They had an unbreakable bond people had said though the same was said for Dan and Jess yet here they were broken apart by Lord knows how many miles. 

Meanwhile ......

Phil woke up it was now half four am and as usual Phils mouth was dry as a desert . Phil quietly crept out of his coulerful room but something was off. Phil woke up for a drink most mornings but something was off...on any other day Dan would be pacing around his room yet the apartment was sielent not a peaceful selience but an erie one. Phil tiptoed across the hall and pushed open the door with a creek. Empty. This isn't good he thought. Maybe he's out with frenids or clubbing no he would have told Phil. Thoughts raced around his mind. Was he being iraitional? Most likely but he cared for Dan and he needed to know he was alright so just to put his mind at rest he dieled the number he knew all too well ring.........ring.....,..ring.........

"Hello?" Dan sounded like he'd been crying. His voice was raspy and almost a meek whisper in the silance.

"Dan where are you? Are you alright ? Have you been crying" he sounded like an overprotective parent. He was frantic and woried. 

"I I d don't k k know w where I am" is voice was shaky and teary. 

"Dan you've been crying I can tell you can't lie to me "Phil said now more frantic and worried then ever.

"J j j Jess " just saying the name made more tears flood out of his big brown eyes

"Dan breath, what's wrong with Jessica" 

"G gone" Dan sniffled only managing a single word 

"Gone where Dan your not making any sense"

"S she j just g gone" 

"Dan where are you?" He asked sternly 

"I I don't k know phily I walked far far away looking for j j jesss" 

"Oh Daniel ... Look around any cars, taxis?" 

"N no I I countryside "

"Okay Dan calm down just go on maps find out where you are and get a taxi"

"B but j Jess"

"No buts your exhausted I can tell"

"B-ok"Dan surended and obayed phills orders returning home.

Phil answered the door seeing Dan his skin red and blotchy, his eyes bloodshot with huge bags under them, his hair a curly mess and his cloths muddy"oh Dan"Phil said pulling the tall man into a hug "I'm sorry"Dan mumbled into phills shirt "Dan you don't need to be sorry "Phil told him "I miss her Phil" "so do I come sit"e said motioning to the sofa where they sat together  for the next hour with Dan crying into phills shirt before falling asleep. It's moments like this that is the calm before the storm. 

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