7596 kilometres apart(two)

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Geoff's pov.

I was walking around Huston with Otto and just talking.
"Dude, your phone hasn't stopped ringing since we started walking home." Otto noticed and I realized that it's ptobably y/n.

"Umm yeah it's probably y/n." I tell him and he gives me a confused look.
"You have a friend you're not telling me about?" Otto asked trying to sound ofended bu he ended up laughing.
"Yeah, I accidentally texted her." I tell him and he starts walking to his house.
"Well good luck!" he says and I laugh.
And then I realized that I got spamed by y/n.

Y/n: you know we are exactly 7596 kilometres apart!

Y/n: that's sooo far away!

Y/n: Jeff

Y/n: are you sleeping?

Y/n: you can't sleep it's like 7 pm in Huston

Me: ugh y/n don't spam me! >~<

Me: omg that's a lot

Y/n: yup I wanna hug you

Y/n: you look very huggable!

Me: I love hugs

Y/n: Good, good gonna write that down

Me: omg y/n!

Y/n: what?

Me: we don't even know each other for a day!

Y/n: I don't care! You're my best friend now!

Me: yay ^-^

Y/n: wanna play 21 questions?

Me: no, you have to sleep it's 1 am in Manchester.

Y/n: ugh fineeee

Me: we can play it tomorrow though

Y/n: woohoo ^~^

Me: have nice dreams.

Yup two parts in one day! And yes I checked the distance and time difference lmao. Also this is still kinda an introduction but the next parts will be longer.
Hope you like it!

Wrong Number✔(Geoff Wigington x reader)Where stories live. Discover now