Twenty-Six - Jumping into Action

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He was dead.  Russell was dead.  Her Russell was gone.

"NO! Russell, no!" Terri couldn't believe it - he was gone.  "No, no! Give him back to me! Please, please bring him back! We just got each other back, don't make me lose him again, please!" She looked up at the sky; she knew the game could hear her.  "You think you haven't made us suffer enough?! First you rip us apart, then you erase my memory, corrupt him - I don't want to be a pawn in your awful scheme anymore!" 

She wished she had the jewel, an offering. "I'll give it back, the jewel, I promise. All I ask is that you give him back in return, and let them finish the game and go home. Please." She didn't care if she was begging, if it would do the trick... 

Only the game was strong enough to harness the jewel's power, that much had been made clear, and if she let the new head mercenary keep it it would corrupt him and consume him as it had almost done to Russell. She was tempted to, but then they would never finish the game.

She turned to said head mercenary.  "Murderous wretch!" 

But the guy wasn't focused on her or Russell anymore-

They had gotten ahold of Bethany!

"Take the jewel from me, and your friend dies," he threatened. 



"Don't let him take it you guys!" Bethany cried, though was clearly terrified by her current situation. Hell, any of them would be.  

"Quiet!" he hissed, shoving his gun in her face. 

"We're not going to take it from you," Spencer suddenly said.


"Spencer!" cried the others.

"What are you doing?!"

But clearly Spencer had some sort of plan. He looked to the cluster of trees and bushes beside them, which were rustling. 

"Zoology Bitch!" Fridge came bursting through the trees then on the back of an elephant - looks like he had made a friend while putting his plan into action.

"'When you see the elephant, begin the climb'!" shouted Sawyer. 

Thankfully, the elephant provided a good and needed distraction.

"Douchebag! You suck!" Bethany kicked the mercenary in the shin.  He promptly responded by backhanding her.

"Leave her alone!" Sawyer and Alex dove in, attacking the man together, knocking the jewel from his hands.

Without another thought Terri scooped it up and began charging up the hill towards the statue - which loomed large and  tall, towering above them.  She had no idea how she was going to make it to the top, but she would climb if she had to. And it was supposed to be Russell who put it back, he being the one who had taken it in the first place, but he couldn't now.  She wasn't sure if it would work, but she had to try. She had no idea what else they were supposed to do. 

The height of the statue was daunting and she wondered how she would ever make it to the top in time. 


"AH!" A sharp pain stung her leg, and she went crashing to the grass. Her whole leg throbbed, and she looked down to see a bullet wound in her thigh. Her vision blurred. She tried to get up, but the pain was excruciating. She began backing up, scooting across the grass, cradling the jewel. 

The man raised his gun to shoot her again, and shoot to kill this time. She closed her eyes. 

Bang bang!

She yelped then when two more gunshots rang out through the night. She flinched and waited for the pain.  But none came. She dared to open her eyes, and did so just in time to see the man crumble to the ground in front of her, dead. She gave a cry as he collapsed. But how? 

She heard a low growl and turned to see the the jaguars, their fur a rich gold in the  torchlight. And they were surrounded a dark figure - a very familiar dark figure.

A sob caught in her throat as he approached her, one of shock and disbelief. 

The jaguars pounced on the now dead mercenary's body and she closed her eyes. Russell rushed over and knelt before her.  "I told you I would see you soon."

A sob partially from the pain in her leg and partially from seeing him alive and well before her escaped her lips and in response, she threw her arms around him, practically attacking him with a hug. 

She felt his arms go around her as well.  "I thought I lost you," she cried, burying her face in his shoulder. "Again!" She flicked her watery gaze up to the sky and whispered, "thank you, thank you." Thank you, thank you... 

Somehow, she just knew the game could hear her. 

(Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :) A couple more chapters left!)

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