Chapter Fourteen - Memories

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The memories wove themselves into her dreams, a jumble of non-linear memories all following a different timeline

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The memories wove themselves into her dreams, a jumble of non-linear memories all following a different timeline. At least at first. Soon however, they became linear...

It was a rainy London morning. The university campus was speckled in umbrellas bobbing as people made their way across the courtyard.

The two walked hand-in-hand to work like they always did.

"I will see you later, Professor," he said.

"Yes, have a good morning, Professor," she replied.

They chuckled and shared a kiss before parting and both going their separate ways into their classrooms. Time for another day.

Both were highly-acclaimed professors at the university - there were long lists of students waiting to get into the already full animal kingdom and animal biology classes with Professor Ross, and there were lists just as long for classes on archaeology and exploration with Professor Van Pelt.

Their classrooms were right across the hall from each other, which was how they had met. The head of the department introduced them and they were instantly charmed by each other. It had taken a great amount of courage for him to cross that hall and finally ask her if she would like to go out with him - now, six years later, he was still convinced it was the best decision he had ever made. She may not be his beloved Terri otherwise.


"This arrived for you." Russell brought a letter for Terri to her classroom.

"Thank you." She took and inspected it. "Oh! It's about my application. Let's see, I've a fifty-fifty chance: acceptance, or another rejection. Which will it be this time around? What is it they say? Third time's the charm?"

Both waited expectantly as she tore open the envelope and produced the letter. She cleared her throat before reading aloud. "'Dear Professor Theresa Ross. Thank you for your application. After careful consideration of your application-'" Here she trailed off, and her voice notably changed. "-'We have decided, due to your lack of field experience, that we will set your application aside for now and search for someone who better fits our requirements. Thank you again for applying, and do try again next time.'" There was a silent moment of defeat as she folded up the letter again and returned it to the envelope. She chuckled half-heartedly. "Well, I guess it's not always third time's the charm."

"I'm sorry, Love."

She gave him a small smile. "Thanks."

"Don't let it discourage you."

"That's what you say every time."

"And every time you try again."


Bravestone was just leaving Russell's office when Terri appeared in the doorway.

"Oh, hi Bravestone," she greeted.

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