Chapter 13

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A few days had passed since the dog attack and Hollystripe had grown completely restless. Stormstar had began ignoring her altogether and she was never summoned for a patrol. It was like he didn't trust her to preform duties which, let's face it, he doesn't.

The memory of Hawkflight's unjust disposal still lurked in her mind. Mousebelly and Treetail, the two PineClan elders, had been utterly shocked when Stormstar had ordered them to leave Hawkflight's body in the forest for the foxes to find.

"But won't that attract another attack?" Mousebelly had questioned the leader.

Stormstar, being too stubborn to listen to anyone but himself, had lashed out at the old gray tom and given him an unnecessary blow to the face with his claws. Everyone was starting to become way too afraid of Stormstar to confront his ways.

Hollystripe felt bitterness rising in her chest as she sat at the edge of the clearing now. Stormstar was seated on the lowest branch of the large pine tree in the center of camp, his head held high and his chest puffed out, looking overly pleased with himself.

She forced herself not to shoot him a glare. She knew her punishments would just worsen.

A new thought had tickled her mind recently: Revenge on Troutfang. She hadn't given him much thought because she'd been distracted from trying to get over the disappearance of Duskflight and now Hawkflight. But he was the reason her life had become like this. If Duskflight had lived, Sunflower and Sharpfang wouldn't have said anything at her warrior ceremony and she would be seen as an equal.

Now everyone except Icerose and Thunderblaze seemed to hate her.

"Hey! Hollystripe!" a sharp whisper hissed nearby.

She turned her head and saw the familiar bright blue gaze of Thunderblaze. He was standing a few feet away, looking nervous, his ears pressed to his head.

"Come over here. I need to talk to you," he mewed, "please."

She frowned and rose to her paws, walking towards him.

"What is it?" she asked.

He flicked his long tabby tail in the direction of the nursery. "Let's go behind there," he muttered.

The nursery was completely abandoned as no one had been interested in having kits recently.

The two cats walked as quickly as they could towards the empty den and slunk in behind it. It was surrounded by ferns back here. Hollystripe felt them brushing her flanks as she seated herself in the tight area.

Thunderblaze settled himself across from her, his eyes fixated strongly on his forepaws.

"What do you want to talk about?" Hollystripe whispered.

"I... Remember the other day when we were in the woods?" he murmured with anxiety lacing his voice.

"The day of the dog attack?" she asked flatly, feeling a little upset at the memory. If they hadn't been away from camp, maybe she could've saved Hawkflight...

Thunderblaze nodded. "I told you something while we were there and—"

It all came back to her. "Oh, saying that you loved me?" she mewed.

He gulped. "Y-yeah..." His voice trailed away. "Look, I meant it. I did, Hollystripe. I think I really do love you."

Hollystripe couldn't help but narrow her gaze. Thunderblaze was a sweet tom and she was happy he'd shown her that there are a few out there with good hearts. Did she feel the same way?

Warriors: Hollystripe's HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now