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Hi I dedicate this to my dear serial killer karlijn_2003 , hope you like it lol
Every few days me and my friends met up for rehearsals. We were in a band and we had to usually. Me and my best friend George picked up Reece at the station that morning since he lived a bit further away.

I really loved to play in a band. Music was my life and living my dream together with my friends was awesome.
Rehearsals went great. Reece was so good at playing bass and so was George with his guitar. I was very secure about my guitar skills. I knew I was good at it I got told that a lot.
But instead of sounding conceited I should probably focus on playing guitar.

We played our older songs like "Water" or "Perfume", but since we could already play those in our sleep we started to rehearse the newer ones. I was very excited to finally show our fans what we've been working on and finally play our new songs live. But we still had to wait until our tour started.

"That was awesome!", Reece said and high-fived me and George. "Yeah", George agreed. "This was so good! I'm sure our fans will love it."
After giving me and George a tight hug, Reece went off to the station again. He couldn't stay over night because he had some family stuff going on.
It was already planned that George would stay at my place that night, so we went home from the studio we were at.

"What do you want to do tonight?", I asked him. "Don't know", he answered. "What about we order a Pizza and watch some movies?"
I was more than okay with that, who didn't love Pizza?

It was a rainy day in England, so I was happy to be home and lay in my bed. Definitely more comfortable than running around in the cold outside. I was already cuddled up under my blanket while George tried to figure out what Pizza he should choose. After about 10 minutes he decided to order a classic pepperoni pizza and I chose a pizza hawaii.
I turned on the TV and a few minutes later George crawled onto my bed after ordering. While zapping through different channels, George hid under my blanket and I felt his cold feet touching mine.

He crawled up to me and started to lean on my shoulder. "Blake", he said with a childish voice. "Cuddle?"
"Sure", I said smiling. He was so cute, but I couldn't say that to his face, I'd probably scare him off.
I wrapped my arms around his body tightly and he seemed to like it since he purred like a small kitten. I was in awe, he was way too cute to be true.

I barely spent attention to whatever was playing on the TV, I was distracted by my friend being adorable. I didn't know why I was even thinking this, I was probably just tired. I really enjoyed to just lay here and cuddle with him. It felt like the best time I've ever had.
I couldn't get that weird smile off my face.
So cute.

George was staring at the TV and looked super interested in what was playing while I decided to stroke his head.
He seemed to like it because he cuddled up to me even more (if that was even possible, he was literally pressed to me).
I leaned my head onto his.
His hair was tickling my nose but I didn't care, I really enjoyed being so close to me.

A few minutes later, not much had changed.
"Blake, are you alright?", George suddenly asked me and I realized I was staring at him all the time. "I'm perfectly fine", I answered honestly. Everything was fine when George was by my side.

"Are you sure?", he seemed to be concerned. "You were staring holes into the air, or more like me."
Damn, he noticed I was totally staring at him. I got lost in his beautiful eyes.
"I'm sorry", I mumbled, being embarrassed.
He suddenly started to laugh out loud. "Oh come on, Blakey. Don't be mad. It's was cute how you stared at me, if I'm being honest."

He was looking directly into my eyes, directly into my soul.
Before I knew what was happened, I felt George touch my lips with his thumb.
"I love your lips", he said. "It's a nice pink."
I chuckled awkwardly. I didn't know in what direction this was going to go, but I was very curious.
"I like yours too", I whispered. "Can I try something?"

George nodded. "I was about to ask the same." Our heads were slowly moving closer until I finally felt his soft lips on mine.
It was an amazing feeling.
I pulled him closer, not getting enough of his kisses.
He seemed to want more s well, so I gave him what he wanted.
Our small kiss had turned into a big make out session, was what I realized.

George seemed like he didn't know what he was doing, he was so innocent!
"Blake", he whispered. "I think I might have fallen for you."
My cheeks went red immediately.
After what just happened, I was sure I was super duper in love with my best friend.
"I think so too!", I smiled and pulled him into a small kiss.

Also, we totally didn't forget about our pizza and overheard the door bell...
Okay, maybe we did.

I hope this doesnt turn out to be complete shit lol but i think my karmeme will like it anyway LOL
Hope u enjoyed some glake :p

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