What Happens in Jump Part I

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The picture above doesn't really have anything to do with this one-shot, but I thought my fellow Hamiltrash readers would appreciate it. I know I laughed my ass off at Burr's face in frame three.


Not a Couple

"This is a bad idea, Dick."

Richard Grayson laughed at his girlfriend. "Rae, you'll be fine," he assured her. "He's going to love you." They had a dinner date to meet his younger brother and she was sure she had never been more nervous in her life.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not very lovable," Raven reminded him, smoothing out the stray wrinkles on her violet dress.

"That's your opinion."

Shaking her head, she turned to face him. "Can you at least give me some pointers on how to get him to like me?" Normally, she wouldn't care, but this was the first person from her boyfriend's family she was meeting, She wanted to make a good impression.

Dick looped his arm around her shoulders. "Just be yourself, love," he advised. "Even if he doesn't like you, don't stress. He doesn't even like our other brothers. And if he doesn't go for a handshake, don't get offended. He doesn't really like to touch people he doesn't know." He pursed his lips in thought. "Well, there is one thing."

Her anxiety increased tenfold. "What?"

"Just don't mention... relationships."

Raven gaped at him. "Relationships, Grayson?" she repeated incredulously. "Isn't that what this dinner is for? To talk about our relationship?"

Dick rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, don't ask him if he's seeing anyone," he clarified. "A few years ago, Damian met a girl in Jump City. He was so in love with her, I'd never seen him so happy. He even planned on proposing to her. Then, one day, she just up and left without so much as a single goodbye. He was torn apart."

She found herself wanting to give this girl a piece of her mind, but didn't voice this out loud. "Okay, then. I won't."

He smiled at her. "Good, now let's go."


Dick spotted his brother immediately upon entering the restaurant. "Damian!" he exclaimed, frantically waving his arms. He grabbed Raven's arm and practically yanked her towards the table his brother was sitting at.

As soon as she was within radius of the man, something about him put Raven off. It was as if she knew this guy, but that had to be ridiculous. Right?

Damian glanced up at them. "Grayson," he greeted coolly. "You're ten minutes late." Okay, she definitely knew that voice and that blunt, straight-to-the-point tone was one she was all too familiar with. Yet she couldn't, for the life of her, seem to place it. He seemed to recognize her as well, and that just couldn't be a coincidence, right?

Dick grinned. "Maybe you're just ten minutes early," he retorted. "Anyway, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Raven Roth. Rae, this is my brother, Damian Wayne."

To her relief, Damian did stick his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you, Raven," he said smoothly.

Raven took it. "The pleasure is all mine, Damian."

And then it hit her.

Jump City. June 17th, 2015. Almost three years ago.

Raven rested her head in her hand and groaned as she waited for her drink. It had been an all-around shitty day and she really needed something to take her mind off it. She hoped a (very strong) martini would help.

"You get an extra tip for extra strong drinks, Jerry."

She turned at the sound of a deep, sultry voice. A man was a few stools away from her and to say he was good-looking was an understatement. He had dark, neatly kept hair and the most dazzling emerald green eyes she'd ever seen.

She didn't even realize she was staring until her actually spoke to her.

"You've been staring for about thirty-seven seconds," he said, not even bothering to look at her.

Raven was snapped out of her stupor, her cheeks heating up at being caught. "I, um, sorry," she stuttered pathetically.

He chuckled at her, deep and alluring and she found herself drawn to him as a moth was to a flame. "What's your name?"

"Raven," she managed, a bit of her confidence returning.

He finally turned around to face her, showing every last detail of his handsome face. "Pleasure to meet you, Raven," he told her smoothly. "I'm Damian."

Funny. She had come to think of him as the guy who she was taking home tonight. Of course, she doesn't this out loud and instead plasters a charming smile. "The pleasure is all mine, Damian."

How had she not connected the dots sooner? The brother of her very loving and cheerful and honest boyfriend was the guy she used to screw senselessly nearly every single day when she lived in Jump City.

Well, shit.

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