The Assassin Prince (Dragon Prince AU) Sneak Peek

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Guess who's back, bitches??? Just kidding, you guys aren't bitches. But I am back after, what, six months? I decided to do this to test the waters. If you guys want me to make this into a separate story I will. If you don't say so and we'll just burn it with all my other terrible ideas. At least try to enjoy this, okay?


"Celeste!" called fourteen year old Prince Damian into the thick forest. "Celeste!" He groaned in annoyance. "Dammit, Mother and Father are going to skin me alive if I don't find her."

His twelve year old sister was a sweet child, but she was also quite mischievous. She didn't like wearing dresses or her crown, always opting for clothing similar to his own. She liked getting dirty and playing pranks, no matter how many times their parents had told her not to.

She also liked to hide when it was time for her royal lessons, which meant he had to find her.

With a sigh, Damian leaned against a nearby tree. "Look, I know you hate your lessons," he sympathized. He knew she was in this area, he just didn't know where. "but you can't hide from them forever. They're teaching you how to rule."

There was silence for a moment before he heard, "Maybe I don't want to rule."

He raised an eyebrow. "You don't want to be Queen one day?" he inquired. At least he was getting somewhere with her. "Why not?"

Celeste finally made herself known, popping out from behind a nearby bush. "Because then I have to make all the big decisions," she told him sadly. "And I'll be so busy. I won't get to train or fight or even hang out with you!" She flopped to the ground dramatically. "And I'm going to mess everything up!"

Honestly, he should have expected this. Celeste was getting older, and getting smarter. She had never been good with responsibility. Heck, she had trouble keeping her room straight! She saw what their mother did and she was obviously afraid since she was next in line for the throne. He'd trade places with her if he could, but he wasn't a legitimate heir to the throne.

As much as the family liked to pretend otherwise, Damian wasn't the Queen's son. He was the King's son, sure, but that wasn't what mattered.

Damian was born before his father, Bruce, had even begun courting Queen - then Princess - Diana of Themyscira. He wasn't her biological son. He knew this, the entire kingdom knew it too. He had never met the woman who had given birth to him and he frankly didn't want to. 

He was quite content with the family he had, he had no desire to meet the woman that had abandoned him. He had his sister and father and a wonderful woman who might as well have been his mother. That was all her ever needed to be happy.

Back to the situation at hand, Damian approached her, laying a hand on her shoulder. "Sister, you are going to be a great queen," he promised. "Mother will only step down when she feels that you're ready, you know this."

Celeste continued to pout, but seemed to be listening to what he was saying. "I know..." she admitted.

"And you know that I will be with you," Damian continued. When they were younger, they had joked that since she was to be Queen, he would be her royal adviser along with being crowned Duke.

She grinned at him. "Then we can get rid of Shady Slady!" she proclaimed gleefully.

He bit the inside of his cheek at the jab. Slade Wilson was the royal adviser to Queen Diana and he had given off bad vibes to both children at a young age. Celeste had come up with the name "Shady Slady" when she was around six and they had referred to him as such in private ever since.

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