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I shove Chris quickly, forcing her to hide behind the wood staircase, and I take advantage of the momentum of my movement to grab one of my guns and start shooting: a dozen of divers are coming out of the water with assault rifles, they probably were expecting to find two helpless girls and Gibbons' men answering the fire have been a huge surprise but still they seem determined to reach my house and, precisely, to put their nasty hands on my girl. The moon still shines enough to discern them in the darkness despite they're just some obscure human shapes against the sea, luckily my eyes are training to see in the dark and two of my enemies are killed by my bullets. I stand next to the staircase, protecting Chris who's behind me... if we could go upstairs and get into the house, my security system and my bulletproof windows would keep them at bay during the time needed for the reinforcements to show up and she'd be safe, but the staircase is the most exposed place right now and bullets are smashing it.

Suddenly, a deafening noise announces the arrival of a helicopter and more men rappel down while shooting us. "Fuck, what a display. This is just as good as any of my boss' appearances. Where these people come from? And why the hell Chris is so important to them?" I think shocked while shooting back. The chopper hovers over the divers splashing salty water all around and turns on two powerful headlights... the light blinds me and I'm unable to see where I'm pointing at with my gun. Fuck! I don't want to shoot any fellow solider but I can't see anything. I turn around to look for my girl with the intention of crawling under the house to reach the front door although there's a strong possibility that they have another team on the other side of the house waiting to shoot us... at least, that's what I'd do.

Panic like nothing I've ever felt before explodes in my stomach and I break into a cold sweat when I realize that my girl isn't behind me. A quick glance reveals that she isn't hidden behind a column either. I turn my head frantically from side to side... "Where are you? Please, my love, where are you?" My brain is about to blow off.

"Chris!" I yell desperate trying to be heard over the noise of the helicopter and guns shooting behind me. "Chris!"

"...dele!" a muffled sound to my left grabs my attention and finally I spot her behind some rocks on the beach, being dragged by one of the divers while she fights him with all her might, kicking and biting him. Unfortunately, the diving suit is too thick and she causes no harm to the enemy. Behind me, the helicopter moves slightly in that direction while it keeps blinding us with the lights: it's pretty clear that, when the diver reaches a prearranged place, the chopper will pick them up and fly away.

"If they take her away from you, you won't see her alive again." Above the noise and the chaos my thoughts are clear: I know that's true, they'll kill her. "No... I won't let that happen. They're not taking my woman away from me. She's mine and if they intend to harm her they'll have to go over my dead body!" I make a decision in less than a second and I run out.

Calmly, with my emotions under control finally, I use precise movements to empty out my magazine towards the beach while I go upstairs and reach the terrace feeling the bullets whistling around me. I enter the code and open the French doors getting into the living room, closing them behind me while the bullets impact on the glass leaving a distinctive radial marking; luckily the glass resists and doesn't shatter. I run towards the fireplace that I never light for one simple reason... I kneel down on the floor and put my hand right into the hole, getting out my Barrett MRAD rifle perfectly loaded and ready to shoot.

"Come on baby, let's rescue our girl."

I run back to the terrace and, while paying no mind to the bullets, I lie down on the wooden deck. It just took me a minute to find my rifle but the diver has had enough time to drag Chris quite far and the helicopter is hovering now the sea very close to them, ready to pick them up. "In your dreams, motherfucker!" I think while I calibrate my rifle, then looking through the telescopic sight. Despite the darkness I can see perfectly the diver's shape behind my girl, he has one arm around her waist while she tries to kick him nonstop even if she's obviously exhausted. "A fighter... God, I adore that woman... But now I need you to stay still babe, I don't want to shoot you by mistake." It's almost like she can hear me... Chris stops twisting, she's probably trying to catch her breath but those few seconds are all I need to put a bullet in that bastard's head. The guy collapses on the sand and I can see my girl crawling away from him. "Well done, babe."

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