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• Kendall Jennings •

"So, how have you been?"
"I've been straight, kicking it. You know?"
"I understand, even though, you always blow up on me. What's that about?"
"You get a little too nosey, you wanna know all my business and report it to yo staff. I don't have time to be a fucking laughing stock." Whelp, I'm about to get pissed off, all over again. Sometimes I hated being here, sometimes, this was somewhere I could clear my mind.
"I assure you, no one's laughing at you." I huffed loudly, to shut her the fuck up.
"I assure you, I will kill everybody in this bitch if y'all is laughing. Play pussy and get fucked."
"We take threats serious, Mr. Jennings."
"I assure you, I do too." Now I was being funny. Playing around with her, had started to get fun. It kept my mind away from all the shit that was happening, my mom's got sick, she's in and out the hospital. I sighed, as the room grew quiet.
"What's wrong?"
"A lot of shit, where to start?"
"The beginning, please." I paused, getting a good look at her and for the first time she smiled at me.
"I got tricked into selling my body, for my uncle who supposed to be paying for my father's funeral. He told me, it would be women, considering I am a straight male. But when I got in that room." I sighed, trying to calm down before my tears could fall, but they fell anyways.
"When I got in that room. It was a man, a white man. He forced me, he forced me! I'm not gay!" I clenched my jaw, shutting myself up.
"Kendall, please continue."
"I don't really want to, it just brings back too many memories."
"You pushing it." I pointed at her, I wasn't angry with her, I was angry with my past and the things that happened to me. I groaned, wiping my face. Will continuing, help me out, like it helped me with Khristin's death? Will I be able to sleep, without thinking about my past? Nightmare after nightmare, I couldn't take it anymore.
"My mom's swear, my uncle is an innocent man. I just think she was fucking him after my pop's died." I chuckled, still sniffling.
"And, why do you think that?"
"Man, you know when somebody fucking or not. She made me go with him, ignoring my pleas to not go. She swore it would make me a man. I felt like a bitch." I mumbled, this couldn't be happening. I looked up at her, teary eyed, she stood up and passed me the Kleenex box. I snatched some out the box and laid back, with my face towards the ceiling.
"Have you tried to confront them?"
"Nah man, my mom's in and out the hospital. She could die any day and I'm worrying about some old shit." It didn't feel old to me, it felt like yesterday and I needed answers. I sat outside Monroe's house, waiting on his son to come home, just so I could find the bastards location but he never came. I felt like I was wasting my time, but I still needed answers.
"You need your answers, so you could move on and be happy." I nodded.
"Thank you."

"Yo! Monroe, I know this nigga in here, tell him to come out!" I had way too many drinks and was ready to pop off like a firecracker.
"Kendall, you're drunk. Please come back later."
"Roe, you don't understand! I need answers so I can be happy, you know I lost Khristin, I'm about to lose my mom's, I lost my pop's, please. Tell me where he's at." I leaned against the front door and sighed. Square one? I heard her snatch the door open, I looked down at her and sighed.
"Here." She handed me a piece of paper then hugged me.
"Be good, you know I love you K."
For the first time in a long time, I felt a piece of love that I knew was true. I simply nodded, before walking away from her home.

"Kendall? Ho—Where did you come from?"
"I need to talk to you."
"Okay, come in, sit."
"I'm not yo fucking dog, I do what I want." I said in a threatening voice. We both walked into the living room and sat on different couches.
"So, what's this about? It's 11 at night." Wow, my innocence is less important than the time. Time will run out and never come back.
"You know what you did, you know what I'm here for."
"I'm unaware."
"You sold me into sex trafficking! Don't act stupid now or so help me God, I'll beat your fucking head in!"
"Kendall you better calm down right now! I don't recall, ever pimping you out! You were 8 or 11 around the time I was seeing you."
"You did it! Admit it."
"I didn't, Kendall I didn't do it." My nerves were running wild, my leg was jumping so hard, I wasn't going to find my happiness because he denies it.

Kill him!
Kill him Kendall!
Remember the abuse? The beatings, you remember?
What about losing your virginity? You lost your virginity to a man!

"I'm not gay! You did this to me! I'm fighting my demons, everyday! And you denied any involvement with tricking me!" I pulled my gun off my hip and fired, multiple times. I shouldn't have brought it with me, I was only supposed to confront him, but he denied me. I wiped the tears falling from my face, then laughed.

You're free now

"I'm free." I smiled. I looked down at his bloody body, I was satisfied with what I had done and if I was to go to prison today, I'd smile in my mugshot. I felt like a new man, I was loving this new me.

"Kendall! What happened?" Oh, reality really came crashing down.
"Micah, it's nothing. I need to take a shower." I stripped out of my clothes and walked into her bathroom. I got some piece of mind, in the shower too, just listening to the water fall.
"Kendall, I'm serious." She pulled the curtain closed and looked me dead in the face. She grabbed a rag and washed the blood from it then she put shampoo on my waves. I smirked, looking down at her. It was weird that I didn't go to my baby momma house first, she had held me down through everything, except Kristen's death and that baby. I frown, as I day dreamed. She hid a baby away from me.
"What did you do? None of this blood seems to be yours?"
"You can't tell anyone!"
"I won't, I pinky promise." I held out my pinky and she wrapped hers around mines.
"I killed him, I shot him and he fell to the ground." I smiled, but she wasn't amused.
"You did not!?" I frowned.
"You aren't happy? I'm free now and you care about if this nigga alive or not!" I pulled the curtains open and dried off. I soon slipped on some clothes, I had lying around here.

"Lemme see that baby." She picked him up and handed him to me. Me and the baby, literally had a 30 second staring contest. Then he smiled, a toothless smile, that made me smile back.
"First time seeing you smile, in a while." I chuckled.
"Yeah, I'm just happy, that's all."
"Why? You got a new girl? Job?"
"Nah, it's just time for a change."

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