Chapter 6

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Nico smiled when he got done telling Hazel about his first date. Her eyes were wide the whole time and her attention unfailing. She didn't even seem to breathe until he finished.

"You didn't kiss him?" was the first thing that popped out of her mouth.

He rolled his eyes. "Of course I didn't kiss him."

"Why not?" she whined, laying back on his bed. "You should've!"

He blushed lightly. "Why do you say that?"

"Because you two are absolutely perfect for each other." she reasoned, sitting back up.

He shook his head. "No, that's where you're wrong. That's why I still feel a little weird about all of this."

"Just because you can't dance with him?"

Nico nodded. "That's all he's wanted to do with his love, Hazel. And I'll never be able to dance, unless I make a deal with the devil or something." He said the last part jokingly, but his blood ran cold when he thought about the weird things that had been happening. The crucifix, the light in the forest,...

"Well, that's not something you'll do." she waved her hands. "So he'll have to suck it up."

Nico tried to stop his eyes from watering. This was always the conversation he dreaded and tried to prevent. He even tried preventing these thoughts in his mind. "I can't make him give up his dream."

"I'll talk to him." Hazel offered. "I'll get him to see that love is more important than-"

"No, you won't." Nico cut her off. "Don't talk to him. Please don't get involved."

Hazel frowned a little sadly. "You don't trust me to?"

"No, it's not that." he quickly defended. "It's just...I don't want to approach him about it. Maybe he'll figure it out himself."

"And if he doesn't...?" Hazel asked. "Look, Nico, you've got to talk to him about it. If it's making you feel this horrible, you can't keep it bottled up."

He crossed his arms before putting his head in his hands. "Can we talk about something else? Please? This is getting me in a bad mood."

She nodded slightly. "Fine, okay. Did you see anything weird in those woods?"

He looked up at her slowly, paling. "Hm?"

Hazel giggled softly at herself. "Those woods have had sightings of a lot of satanic worship. I was just joking."

"Tell me about that." he laid his head back against the wall. "Where'd you even hear that?"

"I was doing a report for school." Hazel crossed her legs before making herself busy by cracking her knuckles. "They've found animal remains and pentagrams and things."

"Why do people do that?" Nico asked. "Like seriously, what's the point?"

She shrugged. "They're selling their soul for something they love."

"Do you think it works?" he found himself asking. As the conversation went on, all he could think about was making Will happy. Giving him his dream.

Hazel shrugged. "Who knows, really."

"Would you ever try it?"

She frowned at him. "Neeks, why do you need to know this?"

"Oh, no reason." he gave her a small smile. "I was just trying to make conversation."

"To forget about Will?"

He nodded slightly, glancing away. "So please go along with it."

"Okay, okay." she played with a curl in her hair. "I wouldn't do it."

"Why not?"

"Because it's dangerous. Yeah, you get what you want. But afterward? You go to Hell, Nico." Hazel explained. "That isn't worth it."

He sighed heavily. "Okay, but would you sacrifice your soul for someone else?"

She looked taken aback at his question. "I've never thought about that."

"But would you?" he questioned. "If you really love someone, would you sacrifice yourself for them?"

"Nico, you're starting to scare me a little," she admitted. "You're acting so serious about this."

"I guess I can't help it. I've just been thinking a lot." Nico pulled himself into a laying position. "I'm tired."

"You've been thinking about...what, exactly?" Hazel laid by him.

"Will's dream." Nico closed his eyes, letting a tear fall. "I've been trying to think of a way to fulfill it, even if it's a dangerous way."

She hit his arm lightly. "Idiot!"

He jumped slightly. "What?"

"Don't even think about doing that! I thought you were joking!" Hazel sat up in worry, glaring at him. "Don't even attempt it!"

"I wouldn't even know how." Nico defended. "So calm yourself. It's probably not even real, remember?"

Hazel calmed slightly. "Yeah, okay."

He watched her for a minute before pulling the blanket around himself. "I got up really early, so I want to take a nap."

She nodded in understanding, kissing his forehead. "Get some sleep, Neeks. You have your doctor's appointment, tomorrow."

He sighed heavily but nodded. "Okay, Haz."

She went out soon, gently closing the door behind her. As Nico fell asleep, the nightmare about the dance came back.

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