Chapter 16

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Waiting for someone to get out of surgery was the most stressful yet most hopeful thing Nico had ever experienced. Ever hour he wasn't told something, he knew that had been another hour that Will remained alive. His Will was still alive.

He wasn't sure exactly what the surgery was but knew it had something to do with his heart and the state it was in. His mother paced the waiting room in silence while Nico watched her. Hazel came and went a couple times but never stayed long. She had her own kid to tend to.

It had been many hours by the time the doctor came out, his eyes tired and his hands at his sides. When he went to them, his face was grim. "The surgery-"

"Is he alive?" his mother cut in as she grabbed onto the doctor's arm. "Please tell me he's alive."

"He's alive, for now." the doctor admitted. "But his liver isn't doing very well. It was also damaged in the car accident and the surgery isn't helping matters much."

"What does that mean?" Nico asked quietly, trying to think back to those medical shows.

"He'll need a transplant to make it off the table." the doctor finished. "We put him on the list but he doesn't really have enough-"

"I'll do it!" his mother's eyes widened as she realized that she could finally do something to help her boy. "I'll do it. Get me on that table."

The doctor gave her a sad smile. "You need to be the same blood type. We looked at your files, you aren't."

"What kind of blood does he have?" Nico asked, having to raise his voice over the woman's cry of protest.

"B positive." the doctor eyed Nico. "Do you know anyone that-"

"Me." Nico finished, letting a sad smile cross his face. "I'm B positive. Now, sign me up."

Will's mother looked at him with an odd expression, hope flashing across her worn face. "Nico, you don't have to if you don't want to. I don't want you to feel pressured into it. I know what he did to you."

"That doesn't mean I'm going to let him die." Nico looked at her, frowning. "I'm saving your son, and I'm not pressured into it. So, please don't fight me on this. We don't have time."

She gave him a smile, reaching to grab his hand. "Thank you, Nico."

Nico didn't think people usually dreamt during surgery, but the last thing he could remember before this dark wasteland was staring at the ceiling as the mask was brought over him. He had breathed in the stuff and had been medically put to sleep.

The next thing he knew, he felt fully conscious but surrounded by inky blackness. There was no light, not even enough to see his hand right in front of his face. After minutes of trying to get his vision back, the voices started. Everyone seemed to be full of a thousand voices, all shouting in glee at the state he was in. Suddenly, he didn't feel as safe as he had before.

"You can't escape what you have done!"

"A Satanist, no doubt. Sold his soul! And for what, a stupid crush?"

"He belongs to us! He'll belong to us! One mistake, flat line! He'll belong to us!"

They sounded insane enough to drive him insane. All he could do was close his eyes and clench his fists, praying that he'd awake soon. His dreams hadn't been like this before, so why under the anesthesia?

A part of him wondered if it was Will reappearing in his life, but he knew better than to blame it on him. Will hadn't done anything wrong, this time.

They started to sing after an hour, their voices rising above normal human frequencies. "He'll be ours! In the end, he'll be ours! To torture, torture, torture his soul!"

The singing enough was torture. No rhymes, no melody. It was just a chorus of harsh noises. All the peace he had obtained in the past years had once again vanished, leaving behind the icy feel he only got when he thought about when he had stupidly done when he was young. Who in their right mind sold their soul? It was idiotic, pointless. It was always something that'd come back to bite you.

Nico saw very few options to every truly escape it.

Suddenly, the voices stopped. Everything went dead quiet, and if there was enough light, Nico could have probably had seen why. But now he was left wondering what had happened to the voices, since he knew for sure that he hadn't been the one to stop them. There was no way.

A sudden light burned his eyes, making him close them quickly to stop the pain. "What the he-"

"Nico?" Will's confused voice crashed over Nico, sending his body rigid in shock and confusion. "Nico, where are we? What is this?"

"Will," Nico squinted his eyes and took in the scene, one hand shielding them. Will stood before him looking as healthy as ever, all around him a pool of light that could have lit up the whole country. "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here...?" Will looked around. "What exactly is 'here'?"

"I'm not sure," Nico admitted. He took a step towards Will, his legs trembling. "You look good. How do you feel?"

Will smiled, the light reflecting off his white teeth. They weren't stained with blood anymore. "I feel good."

He stood there for a minute before talking again, moving in Nico's direction. "Remember what you told me?"

"I told you a lot of things." Nico fought to keep his voice calm, even though it didn't matter. It was only Will.

"You'd give us another chance." Will beamed. "Well? Here I am! Time for another chance."

"This isn't normal life, you idiot." Nico crossed his arms. "We have no idea where we are-"

"But we're together." Will cut in. He closed the distance between him and Nico, reaching out to grab Nico's pale hand. "We're finally back together."

"That doesn't mean I want to stay here!" Nico let him but didn't hold his hand back. "I want to see my sister and my niece. I'm getting us back, William, whether you like it or not. Then you can start this crap about getting together again. Deal?"

Will's smile didn't falter, no matter how Nico was towards him. "You're the same as ever, Neeks. It's a deal."

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