Chapter 12

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Hazel sat in the hard hospital chair, staring at Nico's sleeping form. The young boy had been through too much lately. He fell in love, a little too hard. From there he did whatever it took to make the love of his life happy. He fought through the hardships and lost too much. Even his very soul he would sacrifice for Will. And what had Will done to him? Break his already tortured soul.

She couldn't be mad at Nico anymore. Not after all of that. The only thing she could do was be there for her brother, no matter how hard of a road he had left to travel.

He needed his family whether he liked it or not. Hades and Persephone walked into the hospital room quietly, her head resting on his shoulder and their frowns evident. They also agreed with her when it came to Nico's well being: they would do whatever it took to save his soul. Maybe it wasn't possible, maybe they would turn into the center of gossip. But they would try as hard as they possibly could.

"Has he woken up?" Hades asked, rubbing Hazel's shoulder.

She looked up at him before nodding. "I explained what Will did and he passed out."

Hades sighed. "How am I not surprised...."

"Hey, sh." Persephone kissed his cheek. "Try not to be sarcastic with him or anything. He already feels bad enough."

"He's not awake to hear me being sarcastic," Hades argued, gesturing to his unconscious son. "And he's got to be punished or he won't understand how bad it was for him to do such a thing as he did."

"He understands, dad." Hazel put her head in her hands. "He knew how bad it was but he did it anyway. For Will. He just loved him too much. If you're going to yell at someone, yell at Will. But Nico can't take that right now."

"I'll yell at whomever I see fit," Hades replied. "And Will is definitely fit for it."

"We all agree on that." Persephone sat by Hazel, rubbing her arm. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" she mumbled. "I'm healthy and still have my soul."

"More about your feelings towards Nico." Hades looked down at the pale boy, kissing his forehead hesitantly. "He hasn't been the greatest brother to you."

"He'll always be my older brother." she let herself lean into Persephone. "He'll always be an amazing big brother. Even if he doesn't make the best choices."

"He did all of that for what? A dance?" her father shook his head and removed his loving hand off Nico's forehead. "Why the hell would he do that? He's an idiot."

"He's in love with Will," Hazel explained in exasperation. "And Will wanted a stupid dance."

"He wanted a dance so much Nico sold his soul?"

She nodded. "So it's all Will's fault."

"Will didn't necessarily tell him to do it, Hazel. But I see what you mean." Persephone watched them closely. "They both should've realized that it wasn't worth it."

"But they didn't. And instead of thanking Nico for his large sacrifice, Will leaves him. Without even saying goodbye." Hazel's voice filled with anger. "Who does that to someone?"

"We'll get Will back, don't worry," Hades assured. "There's no way he's getting away with doing this to my son. If he truly loved him, he wouldn't have done that."

"If he truly loved him, he wouldn't have run off and got a girlfriend." Hazel agreed. "So how are you going to get him back?"

"Oh, I have my ways." Hades smiled at her before gesturing to the door. "I'm going to head home. I've been talking to Father Morgan all day. Those church pews hurt my back."

"Has he mentioned anything that could help?" Hazel clenched her fists to keep hope from rising. If Nico's soul was going to be saved, they would have to go through religion. That's the only way they knew how. The only one Satan ever lost to was God, no matter how many people had escaped his temptations in the past. Satan had a weak spot and that was all they needed.

"We don't know yet." Hades patted her head before heading out. "I'll let you know when I find out more, okay?"

She watched him exit the room, more tears threatening to spill. 'We don't know yet' was nothing more than an extinguish of hope in her eyes.

~~LIne Break~~~

Hades hated Will. More than anything, he wanted to see that blond die. Who could be so heartless as to do that to his son? His son had given everything for a boy. Hades had watched Nico hurt for far too long.

He couldn't make Will go back and love Nico, but he could make him pay for what he did. And Will needed to pay. This was a country, a world, where justice always won. Justice was right. It didn't always fall in your favor, but it would eventually fall one way or another. And it would fall on Will.

Hades found Will near the teen's high school, a blue bookbag on the boy's small shoulders. He was humming to himself and kicking a small rock, not paying attention to the world around him. He didn't even notice when Hades came up behind him, but did when the rough hand came over his mouth. He kicked and fought and tried his best to get away, but the beating was inevitable.

Punch after punch, kick after kick, broken rib after broken rib. Hades didn't stop until his knuckles were destroyed and his anger had disappeared. Even then, he didn't escape the trance until the pale boy under him was unconscious. Will's once angelic features were ruined and his pale skin was tinted red. Once blue eyes were surrounded by purple and black, too swollen for the blue to show. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth and matted his cotton shirt.

Hades stood up, leaning a foot on one of Will's broken ribs. "I'll tell you this once. Don't ever hurt my boy again. If so, next time I won't stop until you're dead."

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