Chapter 21

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Oh shit.

One of the scary guys pulled a gun out, pointing it at Jaxon while the others smirked.

The scary guys frowned as Jaxon had a bored look on his face though. The guys had confusion and irritated looks as they didn't like Jaxons reaction- actually no reaction.

How is Jaxon not scared?! I am. And their not even pointing it at me!

Jaxon was now the one smirking as he saw the frowns on their faces. Caleb and I stood frozen as we watched the scene in front of us.

Jaxon tilted his head as he gave a lazy, taunting smile at them.

To be honest..that was kinda hot.

"You thought I'd be scared of you?What a pussy." Jaxon chuckled.

He took an intimidating step forward, making them cautiously watch his movements. My breath hitched as Jaxon glanced towards Caleb and I. He looked alarmed almost.

Suddenly I was picked up, making me scream and thrash around. Caleb snapped his head to me and before he can do anything, he got held down.

It was two huge guys. They both dragged me and Caleb towards Jaxon and the scary guys. The guy held me by a knife at my throat and his other arm wrapped around my waist.

The second guy that held Caleb looked less frightening but had a large frame. He had Caleb's arms behind him as he had a knife also at his throat.

I was faced forward so I couldn't see the guys face as he was behind me. I stood very still while my eyes blurred, my tears threatening to come out.

"If you do anything to me or my family, I will kill them." The scary guy with the gun pointed at me and Caleb.

I looked at Jaxon but was surprised as he was already staring at me. He looked annoyed at us. like if we were idiots.


The guy smirked as Jaxon ran his hand down his face. Clearly frustr-
ated. Whys he taking so long?!

"I don't give a fuck about them." Jaxon snapped. I gaped at him. I'm gonna die. Its official. How can he not c-

Suddenly I feel a breathe on my neck. "I think Ima keep this beauty" the guy holding me said. I tensed up.

What the hell does that mean?!

"Leave her alone!" Caleb shouted only to be in pain as the guy twisted his arm. "Hey! Ow, ow, that hurts!"

Ah poor caleb.

Jaxon glared at the guy holding me. I felt the guys body tense at Jaxons cold glare. His jaw was tight as he clenched his fists, slowly pulling out something in his waist band.

Everyone was too hypnotized to notice he pulled out a..gun. A loud deep, shout made me and the rest jump back.

"Get your fucking hands off what's mine!" Jaxon growled pointing his gun at the guy behind me.

I shut my eyes..

Please don't shoot me,please don't shoot me, please don't shoot me-

A loud Bang went off making me scream. A thud dropped behind me instantly letting go of me.

I looked behind me, to my horror the guy that was once holding me had a bullet right between his eyes. His body dropped dead on the floor.

More Bangs went off and shouts everywhere around the room. I dropped to the floor, curled up in a tight ball crying my eyes out.

Glass shattered, tables knocked over. My eye sight was blurry and was too scared to look for anyone or move. I was suddenly picked up and held bridal style outta the store.

I looked up to see grey eyes piercing Into my blue ones. Jaxons jaw was clenched as he held me tightly to his chest. He killed someone...

I remember the dead man. My tears ran down my face, Jaxon is a murderer. I kicked my legs and tried getting out of his grip. It was no use, he held tighter and glared down at me. I started screaming, banging on his chest till he threw me in a car.

"Hurry the hell up, Caleb!" he shouted

Caleb jumped in the car, probably scared too since he did see his brother just kill someone.

Jaxon buckled me up as I screamed at the top of my lungs pushing him away from me. "Calm her down!" Jaxon ordered Caleb, who sat next to me in the backseat.

Caleb hugged me while playing with my hair. I sobbed as I held him through the car ride.

"Shh it's okay baby" Caleb whispered

I heard Jaxon scoff and mutter something while holding the steering wheel tight. He drove faster then the speed limit.

I don't want to be here. I'm scared of Jaxon. Can you blame me? He killed someone that once held me! Jaxon killed someone right in front of me!

"C-Caleb are you okay?" I whispered still hugging him. He sighed and kissed my forehead. Caleb didn't answer but just held me all the way.

I began to feel sleepy as I fluttered my eyes closed and slept in Caleb's arms.

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