Tell sombody

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When we first meet you were loud

But when you saw me you couldn't speak

I knew I could tame you just by a look

Everything about you just screamed lust

You and ya home boys talked about everything

But I knew when I got with you

You would want to keep things to yourself

When we sex eachother down I know you want to tell somebody

No one knew about us that's the good part

When we both are gone people get the clue

Now your feeling on me wanting to tell the world

Just so every nigga knows I'm your girl

Don't tell nobody

You look at me like why

But how would you feel if every nigga wanted what you had

How do you feel when niggas look at me with lustful eyes

When we make love you wanna scream and tell the world how good my pussy is

But you can't cuz you wouldn't want anyone knowing and try to take me

Go head and tell all your boys that I put it down

There all gonna want me so you better keep it to yourself

But I know you wanna brag

Your gonna wanna tell somebody

Just how good it is and how it makes you feel

But make your you tell them it's yours😏

(A/N : how many of you guys just wanted to brag about how good you partner put it down and how you can tame them? 😹 if I get more comments I'll let you guys know a secret next poem😏)

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