Chapter 1: The Skype Call

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My first attempt EVER posting something on Wattpad, and considering this is a 1D Fan Fic with no cover, I don't know what response I'll get. But anyone who does read this, thanks so much and please comment to tell me what you think. :) And please keep in mind I'm typing this from an iPhone, so I have limited usage of italics and stuff!


I was reading To Kill A MockingBird in my room after dinner. Lazing around in sweats on my bed was a habit that was hard to break. 

After half an hour of attempting to understand it, I gave up. Now I see why Niall doesn't understand it. The bird doesn't even die! I don't think there's even a bird!

Leaning back against my pillow, I sighed. Boredom was irritating.

I saw a blinking light coming from my laptop. As I got closer, I smiled as I realized it was the incoming Skype call that I was waiting for. I quickly sat down and grabbed my headphones, knowing the boys were going to be loud, and my mom was watching her precious Korean soap operas. Seriously, I don't get why she watches them. They wear too much makeup. I mean, she loves the boys, but her Korean dramas come first.

I plugged the headphones in, and clicked ACCEPT CALL. 

Immediately I went deaf.


" Babe, why aren't you here?!"

" Sam you sexy woman get over here!"

" I miss you! But could you ship me some of your mom's chocolate chip cookies?"

" You're still a virgin right?"

I couldn't help but smile. Even after not skyping them for 2 months, they were still the same. The same old quirkiness.

" I miss you guys too, Li! I'm not there 'cause I'm here, duh! Lou, grow some brain cells." I shook my head at the supposedly older and more matured Doncaster boy.

"Zayn, you're much sexier and you know it! Plus, I'm wearing sweats. Seriously. Niall, the cookies wouldn't survive the shipping. Harold Edward Styles, that's private." I said trying to be stern, but you could never stern with these boys!

"But you have no privacy when you're around us, babe." Harry winked at ne through the webcam.

"Thats true." I mock sighed. It was. They had no sense of privacy.

"And you're sexy no matter what you wear." Zayn smirked.

I just ignored him, knowing it wasn't true. But he sure was sweet.

From the hazy webcam image, I tried to guess where they were at.

From the looks of it, they were in Lou and Harry's flat on London. Their faces were all crammed together on the sofa, with the laptop on the coffee table front of them.

" How was the tour?" I asked, smilling. "I can't believe it's finally over!"

" It's pretty unbelievable. We just landed like, 5 hours ago. The fans were crazy at the airport." He took a break to stuff more chips in his mouth.

Geez, the boy and his food.

He continued. "On the last night, the fans were just incredible and we all cried." Niall babbled. 

At least that was what I could transalate from his garbled words and his adorbs Irish accent. I pride myself in understanding Niall-ansese.

Hah, Niall-anese. I'm a genius.

" I didn't cry." Liam said defensively.

" Did too! I was on your shoulder, remember?" Niall shot back.

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