Chapter 4: The Hectic Hallway

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Eeek! I suck! It's been like, 3 months since the last update. Anyone who is still reading this probably going to kick my ass through Wattpad. And thank you for the 700 reads! 😘

I love you guys! Though the votes weren't what I wanted them to be, I thought the time passed and the amount of reads was enough incentive to update. Please don't kill me if it sucks, I'm kind of out of practice with writing this.

And if you have time, please read my one shots and comment what you think!

Also, please follow me on twitter, @SammieTSL

Kay, end of supah long author's note.

To the story.


We entered backstage, and it was mass chaos.

There were people rushing about, packing up equipment to take to the next location, PAs rushing about making sure things were in order. Oh, and the screaming fans.

The door we had gone through was close to the main entrance to backstage, and a bunch of fans were trying to squeeze past the barricade of guards, screaming things like: "Liam, I want your babies!" or "Louis I want to marry your arse!" and of course, "Niall, I have Nandos!"

There is nothing more I can say about carrots.

When they noticed us with Paul, they started whining things like, "It's not fair!" and "I'm a bigger directioner than them!"

Ignoring them, Paul directed us further down the hallway, and we were trying really hard to stifle maniacal laughter because some of those girls sounded so ridiculous, I mean, seriously, did they hear themselves?

"It's not fair!" Mandy imitated in a nasal, high-pitched voice.

I was about to explode into a fit of giggles, when Paul stopped in front of us, and being the idiots we were, we ended up walking straight into his back and bouncing backwards to the floor on our butts.

Wincing, I rubbed my sore butt as I got up, mentally reprimanding myself for being such an idiot.

I helped Mandy up, and now out my giggle fit, I mumbled an apology to Paul, who had turned around, and had his arms crossed with his eyebrows raised.

Mandy gave him a sheepish look, and he gave us one last look before turning around to lead the way again.

We meekly trailed behind him, trying not to cause more trouble. After a few minutes of walking past havoc (because geez, was the place big), we stopped in front of a door with a huge gold star sticker on it.

I snorted, and turned to Mandy to whisper, "Of all the cliches, a gold STAR."

She gave me a grin in return.

I took out my phone, and asked Paul: "Can I post a picture of this door?"

He had a confused look on his face but he nodded.

I took a picture of the door, big gold star and all, posted it on Twitter.

@ItsSamTheAwesome: About to meet the boys! Who have a cliched gold star on their door...

"You girls ready?" Paul asked.

We nodded, and I took a deep breath as Paul turned the door handle.

The deep breath didn't prepare me for what happened when the door was opened.


Okay! I know you guys want to murder me, but I have serious, serious writers block, and this is kind of a test, so if you guys can get to 10 votes, I'll start writing, and if you hit 15, I'll post it. I just want to see how many people actually care about this story, so get voting!

Bye, my lovelies! Please don't murder me...

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