Chapter 5 - The Meet-Up Madness

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It's been a year more than a year. People probably want me at the stake. I really do apologize, I thought this story died a slow death but I'll try updating from now on. It's just been really hard to get back into the mindset of 2012, and studies and stuff.

All errors are mine, as I do not have a beta to help proof-check.
I rushed this, because I felt so crap about not updating, so it is short, and probably lacking in any sort of substance. I apologize beforehand. This is so so so rushed.

Could we get this to 30 votes, maybe? That'd be great. :) Y'know, if people still read this.

Just remember, the boys are doing their WWA tour right now(how time has flown!), and this was based on their Up All Night tour way baaack in 2012.


The boys were having a pillow fight. Shirtless, I might add. It was the stuff of fantasies and fan fiction.

Me and Mandy were standing there shell-shocked, and kind of delirious while Paul was shaking his head, like a disappointed father beside of us. He did a sharp whistle, and it was kind of funny how fast the boys froze and scampered to attention in a straight line.

I stifled a giggle, because they looked like reprimanded puppies covered in pillow feathers.

"Boys, this is Samantha and Amanda. They're here for their meet and greet, don't kill them. We don't have time to hide their bodies." Paul said with a straight face before walking out of the room.

Mandy looked kind of offended at that, probably because she thought she was worth more than a quick kill, but the boys were now smiling at us rather predatorily.

"Look, guys..." I started, but they whipped out their pillows from behind their backs and started bombarding us with hits.

But they didn't know, obviously, that me and Mandy were a power team at pillow fights, and had made pillow fights banned at any sleepover we attended together. Between hits, we managed to drop our things off in a corner, take off our shoes, picked up spare pillows, and go to town on the boys.

In about 15 minutes, the boys were lying around the room in various levels of agony and exhaustion.

"How did you even do that?" Harry's muffled voice came from his face-plant position on the carpet.

Louis was examining his ass. "Is it possible for my arse to be dislocated? I think my arse is dislocated." He declared to the room.

"Nobody really cares, mate." Niall lifted up his head from the couch he was lying on to say.

Liam was consoling Zayn on the other couch, where Zayn was bemoaning the loss of his quiff, after a critical hit by me straight at his hair.

Me and Mandy were at the dresser, both surveying the room with amusement.

I mean, it was pretty funny. Harry was face-planted on the carpet, Louis was on the coffee table examining his butt, Liam was comforting Zayn, and Niall was lying on the couch, with a shell-shocked look on his face.

It was a surreal, hilarious type of achievement. We had beaten One Direction in a pillow fight. In which we had been outnumbered in.

"This was probably why people stopped inviting us to sleepovers." I noted to Mandy.

We shared a fist bump, and a mutual silence to bask in the glow of our victory.

"Reigning champions! Reigning champions! Reigning..." We started chanting quietly.

Niall raised his head. "When you guys are done surveying us smugly, do you think you could pass the food? Getting one's arse kicked is exhausting."

That's how we ended up spending our meet and greet, kicking One Direction's arses in a pillow fight, then a feast in junk food.

"Foooood," I moaned in happiness, as I poured a pack of M&Ms in my mouth.

"Chocolate, you mean," Mandy corrected me, as she loaded her paper plate with an assortment of candy, chips and everything unhealthy.

I shrugged. "Same difference."

Liam tried talking with his mouth full of burrito, but failed. He swallowed, then said:"So, we kind of know your names and that you're related. How about some details?"

"Well, I live in Malaysia, a small South East Asian country about 8 hours by plane from here, that you've probably never heard of. I'm here on my school break, while Mandy lives here in Sydney." I told him. "I'm 15 this year, and Mandy is 2 years older, in her final year of high school." I looked at her for confirmation, and she nodded.

Mandy picked up where I left off. "As you know, we're cousins, on our paternal side. We've been close as far back as we can remember, and we got into the fandom thing as a bonding activity. Which led us," She gestured to them, "Here."

I reached for a bar of dark chocolate and broke off a chunk to eat. As I was swallowing, Harry asked with a straight face: "Soooo. Any hot cousins and sisters?"

Which led me choking on the chocolate. Mandy hurriedly passed me a cup of water to drink.

Once I was done clearing my oesophagus and preventing my immediate death, I glared at him. "First off, dude, I know what you're trying to do. You're not actually interested, you're just trying to troll me for a response and see what I do with the information that Harry Styles asked after my imaginary hotter family members.

"Second, I almost choked and died on good quality dark chocolate, what is wrong with you?" I was actually upset. The stuff that they had lying around in their dressing room was so premium it should be gold plated (not that it was, but it should have been).

The rest of the boys started cracking up, while Harry smirked at me and shrugged. "Just testing you. We get a lot of fans who are obsessed with us and claim they're super dedicated, but then share everything they've learned about us online after meeting us. Also, it wouldn't be the first time a bunch of pretty girls got past Niall's judgement."

"That was one time." Niall grumbled.

I thought that was kind of fair, the testing bit. They didn't know us from Adam (or Eve), or our motives.

"Just going to come out and say this," Mandy started. "We wouldn't say we would not post anything about meeting you, because, duh, fangirls, but we will ask you before posting any sensitive information."

Zayn swallowed the last of his gummy snake and declared: "Okay, enough gloomy talk. I think these girls were promised a fun time."

I raised my hand. "And more food. Like, actual, substantial food."

Louis grinned, sweeping his hair back. "I believe our Nialler here promised you girls Nando's. Who are we to break his promise?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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