Chapter 16: The Secret

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Alex's POV
I miss my Lauren! I know she only left yesterday, but it feels like forever. I should call her.

(Alex calls Lauren)

L- Hello
A- Good morning babe
L- Good morning babe
A- How did you sleep?
L- I slept well, I low key missed sleeping in my bed. How about you?
A- I slept good
L- That's good
A- I miss you
L- I miss you too
A- What are you doing?
L- Getting ready for a meeting
A- At 8 in the morning
L- Remember Alex, in Toronto its 11 A.M.
A- Oh that's right
L- (laughs) You're so funny
A- Thanks
L- I wish I could see you again
A- Me too
L- Alright well I would love stay and chat with you, but I got to head to my meeting
A- Ok bye
L- Bye Alex

I want to see her so bad. I just miss her.

Lauren's POV
Alex called me and I'm so happy he did. I miss him so much. I wonder when will be the next time I'll see him.

(Lauren then went to her meeting.)

Alex's POV
I need to at least start my day, even if I'm sad my girlfriend isn't here.

(Alex went to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself and his brother, Aaron.)

(20 minutes later.)

"Aaron!" Alex yelled.
"What happened?" Aaron asked.
"Morning Aaron, and breakfast is ready!" Alex said.
"Good morning Alex! And I didn't know you were gonna make breakfast today," Aaron said.
"Well I woke up first and I remembered the rule that whoever wakes up first makes the breakfast and the other washes dishes, and it looked like I'm up first," Alex said.
"How come you woke up early? You usually sleep in," Aaron asked.
"Oh because I spoke to Lauren over the phone," Alex said.
"Oh that's right, your girlfriend is back in Toronto," Aaron said.
"Yeah, I and woke up thinking about her and so I called her to see if she wanted to talk," Alex said.
"You miss her?" Aaron asked.
"Of course I do. I just want to be with her," Alex said.
"Wait, I have an idea!" Aaron said.
"What is it?" Alex asked.
"How about you surprise Lauren in Toronto!" Aaron said.
"Wait that's a good idea!" Alex said.
"Well you should look for a flight to Toronto!" Aaron said.
"I know I'm gonna go do that!" Alex said.

(After 20 minutes of searching for a plane ticket to Toronto, he bought a ticket for tomorrow.)

I got a ticket to Toronto! I now gotta keep this a secret from Lauren.

(Alex then received a call from Lauren.)

A- Hello
L- Hi Alex
A- Are you back from your meeting?
L- Well kind of
A- What do you mean?
L- When I was in a uber to head to the meeting, they call me to let me know that they're canceling it all last minute!
A- Wow, are you serious?
L- Yeah!
A- Wow that sucks babe
L- Well at least I can talk to you now!
A- True
L- I want to see you
A- Me too
L- When will I see you again?
A- Soon!
L- Cause you said you're next to travel
A- Oh yeah that's right
L- Just remember if you ever think about coming to Toronto to visit, just let me know so I can make my apartment look decent for you to stay here
A- What do you mean by decent
L- Well I low key have diy supplies everywhere, which now saying it out loud, I'm gonna clean that up!
A- Wait if I would visit you, you would want me to stay in your apartment?
L- Well yeah, I live alone so it's not any trouble!
A- Oh ok!
L- So hopefully I'll see you soon!
A- Me too!
L- Well I'm gonna go cause I'm gonna attempt to clean up my apartment, since I have nothing else to do!
A- Ok I'll talk to you later! Bye babe!
L- Bye

I'm so glad I didn't say I'm coming to Toronto tomorrow! I don't wanna keep a secret from her, but I'm gonna surprise her! I can't wait!

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it was kind of lame, but I tried! Anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote, I would really appreciate it! Let me know in the comments your favorite part of this chapter. Also who saw Alex's music video of What It Is! I've been watching the video nonstop and listening to it on Spotify on repeat! If you haven't seen the video, here it is:

Wassabi- WHAT IT IS! ft Sickick (Official Music Video)
I hope to see you in the next chapter! Love you guys ❤️
Mkay Bye!

— Citlaly

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