Chapter 5

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When they got to the train station the ran out of the car and inside, Wolverine was fighting Sabertooth and Toad but they were easily overpowering him, Rogue was hiding near the wall and screaming every time Logan was knocked across the room.

            “Rogue over here!” Storm shouted.

            Rogue ran over to them and Alex helped her back to the car. “Wait what about Logan!”

            “He’ll be fine, the other three can handle it.” Alex soothed her.

            Storm shocked Sabertooth causing him to turn away from Logan; he made a growl like sound before jumping at her and pinning her to the wall.

            “Scream for your life.” Sabertooth commanded.

            Storm struggled to get free but Logan pulled him away. While they fought him Cyclops and Paiton attacked Toad, at the moment though their target was on the wall dodging the fire being shot at him. Cyclops tried hitting him with his laser eyes but Toad dodged again.

            “Let’s see if he can stick to ice.” Paiton muttered.

            She lined the walls with ice around Toad but he jumped over it and landed on the floor, Cyclops was getting ready to attack him again but Toad stretched his tongue and knocked off his glasses causing Cyclops’ lasers to go free. He looked up towards the ceiling before he was able to close his eyes, Paiton dodged the falling rubble and looked for Toad, she saw him running away with Sabertooth close behind him, they were too close to the innocent people for her to attack them though.

            “Chaos! Cyclops!” Storm called, “Are you okay?”

            “Yeah, we’re fine.” Cyclops replied as they walked over.

            Alex ran in with a cut on his throat and swayed slightly when he stopped. “They got Rogue… I couldn’t stop them.”

            “Havok we’ll find her don’t worry.” Storm told him.

            “Right now we have to get you back to the institute though.” Paiton said as she watched the blood run down his neck.


            “Come on give me the keys.”

            Alex tried to protest again but Paiton took his keys and went over to the car while Cyclops led his brother back towards the car. She got into the drivers seat while Alex got in the passenger seat, the others got in back and Wolverine grumbled when he got stuck in the middle seat.

            “Don’t go to sleep okay.” Paiton instructed before driving off as fast as she could without attracting unwanted attention.

            By the time they got to the mansion Alex was extremely pale and his breathing was faint, Cyclops and Paiton helped guide him to the medical ward while Storm and Logan went to tell Charles what happened. When they got there Paiton saw a man passed out with wires hooked into his arms and chest, Jean was standing beside him but looked up when they came in.

            “What happened?” She exclaimed.

            “Sabertooth and Toad happened.” Cyclops grumbled, “Who’s that?”

            “Senator Kelly, Magneto used some kind of machine to turn him into a mutant… the only thing is he’s unstable.” Jean explained while gathering some gauze.

            “When did you find him?” Paiton asked.

            “An hour after you left.”

            They stood there in silence while Jean managed to stop Alex’s throat from bleeding, now he was sleeping peacefully in another medical bed, Jean went back to watching the senator and Paiton stayed by Alex.

            Cyclops came back three hours later after talking to his team about senator Kelly who had turned into water an hour ago. Paiton had left to eat lunch but came back afterwards to keep an eye on Alex’s vitals. Alex started waking up and looked around but wished he hadn’t, the first thing he saw was his brother with his arm around Paiton’s shoulder and talking quietly with her, they didn’t notice he was awake so he just decided to listen.

            “…When can I tell him?” Paiton asked.

            “Not yet, I want it to be a surprise.”

            “Your brother’s going to be so shocked.”

            “I just hope he’s happy with it.”

            With what? Alex thought a little annoyed they couldn’t just say what ‘it’ was.

            “Alex will, he has to.” Paiton reassured him. “Don’t tell the others but ours is going to be soon.”

            “Wonderful.” Cyclops smirked.

            Alex coughed and they stopped talking, Paiton ran over to him and he sat up.

            “Are you okay?” She asked.

            “Of course, how long was I out?” Alex asked trying to act casual.

            “Three hours.” Cyclops told him while moving towards the door. “I’ll go tell the others you’re awake.”

            Alex nodded and stood up, he went over to the mirror and tried to cut the gauze off but Paiton took the scissors from him and cut it herself.

            “I could’ve cut it.” He said.

            “Yeah after you cut your neck again.” She joked.

            Alex shrugged before looking at the red cut on his neck, Great that’s going to be a huge scar…

            They walked out of the medical ward and met the others, including Logan surprisingly, in Professor Xavier’s office.

            “You wanted to see us when Alex woke up?” Paiton asked.

            “Yes, it’s about your new mission.” Xavier said.


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