Handsome Escort

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Fiat and Arthit got downstairs after their session only to find Kongpob standing at the entrance.

'P'Kong Are you leaving? Sorry I didn't have time for you today "

"It's okay I'll come tomorrow again"

"Really!! "Humm that's odd Mom will be here tomorrow why would P'Kong want to come home.

"So..."Arthit cut in. "I'll go now see ya! Fiat"He waved at Fiat.Kongpob stand before him,stopping before he went out.

"I'll drive you to home"His voice is so cold that makes Arthit thinks Kongpob is ordering him.But he don't want to be troublesome for Kong.

"No no it's ok I can go by myself"

"But it's late now It's dangerous to go alone"Fiat looked at Kongpob and Arthit and again at Kongpob.He turned his head right and left watching these two arguing.Kongpob has never conserned about anyone or anything.

"That's ok I've been going alone since last week P' thx for asking"

"I insist!!" With that Arthit immediately nodded his head.It was his natural reflex when he head Kong's stern voice.It makes him shivered.The younger smile inward  as he won the argument.The youngest one is just froze, in awe.

"A..are you driving me back with motorcycle??" He asked as he saw Kongpob getting on the bike and gave him a helmet.

"Yeah..I can't drive cars They suspended my license. Why asked? Is it becoz you are sca..."

"NO! I'M NOT Let's go!" He quickly hopped on bike,wearing his helmet,urging Kongpob to get off.
His voice was so high pintched,even Kong can tell he's nervous.

Kong started of slowly,but after getting the shorter man's address he suddenly sped up.It's 140km per hour.Arthit is not used to that.As a result he immediately wrapped his arm around the later's waist,hugging him tightly,afraid he might fell down if he let go. 

Kongpob smile so widely as if he won a victory.
He like this feeling.He normally don't like being touched by other people by this time he enjoy it cause this time,it is Arthit,the man who can make his heart beat like he's jumping from a cliff.To enjoy the moment longer,he deliberately choose the long way.

However he has to let go of his love as they reached at Arthit's apartment.Only now then Arthit notice his position and immediately let go of handsome biker.He gave his helmet back and go off.Kongpob also took off his helmet to get a better view of Arthit.

"Ahem..Thx P'Kong" He thanks him while looking down.He can't face him because of his previous action.His ears are red now and he don't want Kongpob to see his flushed cheeks.Arthit hate the fact that he's blushing because of a guy.

Now there was awkward moment.It was so silient and quite.He is waiting for Kongpob to drive away while the taller guy is waiting for him to get inside.He can feel Kongpob's intense stare.Arthit eyes wondering everywhere occasionally taking glances at Kongpob.

"You..."    "You..."  Both talked at the same time.

"You talk first" Kongpob told him.But Arthit don't know what to say.He don't want to sound rude by telling him to go.He don't want to leave first either.

"Do you want to come up for a drink as for ......
you know.. .thank you"Arthit asked.

Woah woah woah did he just invite me to his apartment I shouldn't waste my chance...

"Yeah sure let me just park first"After that,they went up to Arthit room together.Upon arriving the room both of them become excited.Well one of them to be exact since the other one is nervous. It's totally understandable for Kongpon to get excited but why Arthit is nervous.He can't explain himself either.

Arthit told Kongpob to sit on the couch and ask what he would like to drink.The later said he want some coffee.Arthit told him he won't be able to sleep at night but Kong insist so the shorter one just give in.While Arthit went to kitchen to make some coffee Kongpob look around and saw some trophies.Wow my boyfriend to be is a nerd.

Just then Arthit come,served him a cup of coffeee and some cookies."You know what?"Arthit utter. "No wonder your linscine got suspended.You drove too fast!!"

"You call that fast?You haven't seen how fast I usually drive"

"That's not a thing to be proud It's dangerous"

"Are you worrying about me?"His words make Arthit flutter.

"NO!! I'm just worry you'll hit innocent people "

"Ok ok no need to yell.So...you live alone??"
Arthit nodded.

"Good"Kong muttered,earning a question about what he's saying before but he just shrugged off.

"Umm...P' I'm not shooing you but I have to shower so...." Kongpob can't heard the rest of the words Arthit saying.His mind is so occupied with the word shower. Shower...like..naked??

"P'Kong!! You're nosebleeding"

"Huh??"  "You're nosebleeding P' are you ok??"
Arthit gave him some tissue.Kongpob wiped the blood and head up to stop bleeding.
Maybe it's a bad idea to come to his room.

"Are you always zoned out like that when someone is trying to talk with you"

"I..I better go.It's late"Having said he run to the door and leave Arthit hanging.Arthit look at the closed door and start talking alone.

"He's strange One second he's cool and next the second he totally become a weirdo.But it's fun to watch him change his mode in a short time" He chuckled in his own amusement.Don't have any idea that the said man went to his penthouse to cool down himself.
Side story

Hatcho!! Hatcho!!

"Aim,are you sick babe? You're sneezing alot "

"I'm fine May It's just temporary Hatcho!  maybe someone talking about me behind my back"

May laughed at her boyfriend silly joke.Then they continue to eat,enjoying their date night.

a/n:votes and comments are always welcomed 😄

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