King Of Flirtation

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Kongpon first went to the bar to take his bike.He can see Tew's bike is still there so he ring him.But the latter didn't pick up.He called Fiat but he also didn't pick up the phone.He decided to let this matter aside and went back to his house with bike.

He has to meet with Mr John today.They made an appointment at bar.Yes! It's too early to go to bar buy Kongpob need a quiet and private place and Bright's bar is the perfect one.They took V.I.P room.There were only him,Mr John,his secretary and Copper.He changed his minions daily so all of them will get experiences.

"Khun Kongpob I have to say I'm honoured that you are interested in my small company"John said amusedly.

"Your company won't be small anymore if you paternar with us"Kongpob proposed,pouring whiskey into John's glass.

"Really? Are you serious?" He couldn't believe what he heard.Kongpob just nodded.

"But first I need to know your factory's facilities. Like how fast can it manufacture the products?"

"It's very fast Khun!"

"Can it produce let's say... 300 items in 3 days"

"Umm..I guess It can.."

"'I would be disappointed if it can't"

"I'll make that happen"John promised him.

"Excuse me I have works to do" Kong went out of the V.I.P room with Copper.

"Copper..Did you find anything about my mom"

"I'm working on it"

"Working on it? huh?  It has been two freaking years and you still have no informations about her!" Kongpob howled.

Copper looked down.He don't dare to look up.Kong is true.It's been two years he started searching his mom.They didn't find her body when the accident happened.The car dive into water.He just want to make her rest peacefully.He want to find the body and entomb it.

"Stalk Fern" He ordered Copper.

"Are you still thinking that she killed your mom?"

"Who else would do if it's not her?There is no way mom car dived into water by itself.Just follow my order.Don't talk back."He click his tongue and walk to counter.Copper nodded and went to to do his assignment.

"What can I get for you?"

"Humm P'Bright? You're working as bartender?"

"I enjoy bartending but only at daytime"Bright replied."so..what do you want to have?"

"Just whiskey.."Kongpob sighed.

"Bad day..huh?"

"Not the way P'  I heard that you're good at flirtation" Bright laughed.

"It's not like that humm..It's a bit complicated You wouldn't understand"

"Enlighten me then"

"Everyone has her own beauty So I have to compliment everyone right? That makes me a flirter boy"

"So you just have to praise their beauty to flirt" Kongpob chortled.

"Well... It takes a decade to be a professional like me. I was born to be a flirter "Kongpob shake his head in amusement.

"You're funny Phee...I got to go flirt my boyfriend"He winked at Bright.Bright lifted a thumb up.



"Kongpob? I thought you are busy" Arthit opened the door wide to let the latter come in.

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